Chapter Fourteen

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     Today was another beautiful sunny day, probably the prettiest day of the year. The wind was warm and the temperature was comfortable. My maids put me in a yellow, short sleeved dress with a small train and a tiara with a flower. Today Dimitri was going to meet me in the garden for lunch since today he gets a small break. For breakfast, my maids made me try a variety of foods for an upcoming party. Apparently some Royals were flying in tonight for something to do with tomorrow. After trying food and cake, I noticed a shift in the air of the castle. Everything and everyone was beeming with excitement while I just walked around confused. Anytime I went to wonder somewhere, Silvia would stop me.

     "No ballroom"

     "No chapel"

     "No kitchen"

     "No ladies room"

     "No this, no that, no garden until lunch"

     I finally gave up and went to my bedroom. I didn't know what was going on but I hated the fact that I was being kept in the dark. Apparently tonight Dimitri was staying in another part of the castle while I was left to a room other that ours. I didn't know what was going on, but I was determined to find out soon.

     After an hour of reading books from my bookshelf, playing solitare, watching pointless T.V. and throwing up from food, Silvia finally called me for lunch. I walked through the flowers on the cobblestone path until I got to the center of the park. A white gazebo was set up with a cute royal blue and white table set. Two plates of food with covers sat at either side and champagne sat in and ice bucket in the middle. Dimitri walked up behind me and picked my hand up gently in his, kneeling to kiss it.

     "Good afternoon love." He said, leading me towards the table. He pulled out the chair and I sat down. All my worries and anger was gone from earlier, long forgotten. Dimitri lifted the covers from the food and sat down, pouring the both of us champagne. Chicken Alfredo and broccoli was the main dish with a slice of pineapple upside down cake has a little desert. I raised my eyebrow.

     "First it's the garden, then champagne and now my favorite foods. Do I even want to know?" I asked. He just smiled at me, but nervousness floated in the pupils of his eyes.

     "Can I not just please my mate?" He asked, offended in a joking manner.

     "Nope. You either want sex or are about to drop a bomb that may break my heart forever." I said dramatically.

     "Just enjoy this." He said. After that we ate our food in a comfortable silence. After we finished eating, we engaged in conversation.

     "So, how's everything going?" I asked.

     "Good. I'm a better King than I thought." He said truthfully.

     "What I don't understand is how Queens have more power and respect when the King is the one who constantly works." I said. He just nodded.

     "What if I told you I haven't been working, just planning." I gave him a confused look.

     "What in heavens name can you possibly be planning?" I asked. He stood up and held out his hand.

     "Dance with me, Francesca." He said. I took his hand and we danced to the song the birds sang us. After dancing, he smiled. I smiled back, then he ran down one of the cobblestone paths, into a maze of different varieties of roses.

     "Dimitri!?" I called. I groaned and picked the front of my dress up in my hands and ran after him. I ran, trying to find my way to the center.


     I felt like giving up when I saw the opening to the center. I sighed, relieved. I started walking towards it.

     "Dimitri, you are going to pay for making me ru-." I stopped, shocked at the sight I saw. Candles and roses in vases everywhere, and Dimitri in the center kneeled on one knee with a box open in his hand. I slowly walked forward. A diamond ring with a blue stone was placed in the plush box. My hands instantly went to cover my mouth.

     "Francesca, my love, my Queen. We've been through so much already and only a month ago we met. This may seem rushed but I love you with every last piece of my heart and soul so I figured, why not? Francesca Bernoulli, would you do me the honor of not only becoming my wife, Queen, companion, fiance, partner, best friend- I think you get it, but do me the honor of making me the happiest, luckiest, joyful wolf alive and become the moon in my heart of stars. Be my wife Franacesca, you're my one and only and always will be. I love you Francesca, marry me." He said. I stood there, not finding the voice to speak. He looked worried for a moment but then I let out the biggest, girlyest squeal I've ever heard. I jumped into his arms, almost knocking him over....

     "Yes! I will marry you Dimitri because I love you more than food!" I screamed. He laughed and then kissed me, sliding the ring on my finger.

     "I'm glad you said yes because you've got a dress fitting a two, cake designing at three, rehersal at four, four thirty you change your cloths, party like a wild animal at your bacholerett party at five, and then go to bed not drunker than a keg of beer around ten or eleven. Oh, don't forget the wedding tomorrow afternoon and after party then the trip to our honeymoon destination and the other activities. Wink. Wink." He listed off.

     "You have all of this planned?"
     "Yes, now go so you aren't late for your dress fitting." I laughed at him and made my way inside.


     "Miss, you look stunning in this dress."


     "You'll have every girl jealous and every man swooning."

     "You are a true Queen."

     "Well, glad it fits. It really is beautiful, but can't be late for cake design."


     "I'll get to work on the cake immediately, your majesty."

     "Nobodys going to want to eat it, it'll be so beautiful."

     "All it's missing is sparkles."

     "Everyone is going to eat cake! It's cake!"

     "Ladies! We must get Francesca to rehearsal on time!"


     "What if I trip walking down the isle?!"

     "You'll be fine."

     "Your heels are only two inch!"

     "Just lock eyes with him and nothing can go wrong!"

     "The guest are arriving, let's get You ready for your bacholerett party!"


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