Alcohol Mixed with Cheap Perfume

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Demi was enjoying married life, so was Wilmer. They thought is was amazing, that their marriage was perfect, but they couldn't see what everyone else saw. Their marriage was falling apart and soon it would break.

Over a couple of weeks, Demi started to notice a change in their relationship. She had noticed that they hardly spoke to each other anymore, let alone see each other. They hadn't had any sexual contact in almost a month. Demi was guessing that it was because Wilmer was bored of her and she even went as far as thinking that he hated her body. She knew, deep down, that she shouldn't think like that but she couldn't help it. Maybe Wilmer had noticed the weight she was putting on, due to her not working out everyday like she used to. She absolutely hated herself for having these thoughts.

Wilmer was still oblivious to the situation and he couldn't see that his wife was hurting. He was usually the one that noticed it straight away but this time he didn't notice at all. He was always working and when he wasn't working, he was either sleeping, drinking or fucking some slut. Even though he knew that doing this would only hurt Demi in the end, he continued to do it.

All Demi wanted was their marriage to be back to the way it was but when Wilmer stumbled in the front door, smelling like alcohol mixed with cheap perfume and covered in lipstick stains, she lost it. She felt betrayed. Their vows meant so much to her but to Wilmer, not so much. At least that's what she thought. She couldn't believe that he would cheat on her. After all they'd been through. All of the promises made, were broken. Her family warned her but she just wouldn't listen. Demi had faith in Wilmer, she would have never given up on him until the moment he stumbled in the door.

Wilmer didn't even regretting he did. He wasn't sorry. He couldn't care less about hurting Demi's feelings. Sure, he loved her, but he wasn't in love with her anymore.

"Get away from me." Demi whispered as Wilmer walked closer to her. Wilmer gave her a smug look and scoffed. "You do not get to tell me what to do, Demi." He stated angrily, not caring that Demi flinched at his tone. He knew exactly why she flinched but that didn't stop him. Wilmer took small steps towards Demi, watching as she started shaking, obviously scared.

Demi wanted to scream when he gripped her wrist in his hand, holding it tight. She was scared for her life. But she still loved him. He's obviously drunk. He wouldn't do this if he was sober. She thought to herself. But his grip only tightened when Demi tried pulling away, his other hand came up and slapped her right across the face. "Wilmer get off, you're hurting me." She cried, desperately. Wilmer almost growled as he pushed her backwards and the corner of a cabinet hit her back. Demi clamped her mouth shut, knowing it would only be worse if she spoke. She didn't try to stop the tears from falling though.

She couldn't help but think that none of this would be happening if Wilmer hadn't stumbled in the door that night, smelling like alcohol mixed with cheap perfume.

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