Big Girls Cry

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Ever since he had pushed her down the stairs, she was careful of what she said and did. She could have lost her baby that day but she only came out with a broken arm and many bruises. The way she had landed when trying to protect the life inside of her, had caused the break.

Somehow she still didn't hate him. "It's tough love, angel." He snarled, his lips on my neck, sucking on the skin there. She shuddered at the memory and couldn't help but agree with him. Tough love was all it was.

He had his days. He was nice sometimes and treated her like a queen, only violent when he was drinking. "I'm finding out the gender today." She stated as they lay together in bed. "Are you going to come?" She asked softly, secretly hoping he would. "If you want me there." He looked at her and she smiled. "You're the only person I want there." She kissed him and he returned it. The lay in each thers arms, sharing small kisses before they had to get up.

As her name was called, Wilmer looked at her and gave her hand a small squeeze, smiling. They held hands the whle time they were in there. As the nurrse out the gel on her stomach and did the ultrasound. Demi smiled at Wilmer when the nurse told them the gender. "You're going to have a baby boy." Of coourse, Demi being Demi wanted to start shopping right away but she still needed to rest.

Demi became worried when Wilmer told her he was going out that night. She knew what would happen when he got home if he was drunk, "Just don't get too drunk, okay?" She told him kissing him softly. He nodded, "I'll see you later, angel. I love you." He kissed her again before pulling away. "I love you too." She smiled, watching him walk away. Deep down she knew that he didn't love her the way she loved him. If he really loved her, he wouldn't lay as much as a finger on her in an abusive way. He wouldn't spend hours insulting her. Where did they go wrong?

She didn't do much for the hours he was gone. She cleaned up a little after making something to eat. Most of the time she spent worrying about what would happen when he stumbled through the door. When he did return home it got ugly. He didn't hit her but his words were so much worse. He stood there insulting her until he passed out on the floor. She sobbed on the bathroom floor, taking his words in. Did he really think that about her? She was frustrated with herself for not hating him. How could she still love him after everything he's done, after all of the broken promises.

She was so frustrated that she was pressing on her bruises again. This had become a routine when she was frustrated with herself. She would just cause herself more pain. This was her only solution because everything would be so much worse if she took a razor to her skin.

All she wished was for everything to be back to normal. She wanted Wilmer to be sober because he was loving and caring then. She knew it would get worse if she didn't leave him but the worst thought she had was killing her. What if her son turned out like him? She needed to leave. She could not have her son being around him.

He was breaking her heart. So much that she spent her nights crying. She shouldn't cry over him. Big girls don't cry. But maybe that was not the case. She was getting herself worked up and it wasn't a good thing. He did this to her. It's all his fault. Why couldn't she hate him? She let tears fall down her cheeks causing her skin to turn red and blotchy but she didn't care.

Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking.


Hey guys! Sorry this is such a short chapter. I've had ideas I just didn't know how to write them. Comment your thoughts and what you think should happen, it would be helpful. Thanks for reading!

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