1. Fangs

803 58 23

Patrick's POV

"Patrick! Come back!" my mother yells at me as I run towards the front door. I ignore her. As usual.

"Patrick, you know how dangerous it is out there, especially at this time of nigh-"

She never gets to finish as I slam the door shut in her face. I don't care what she has to say.

Whenever there is an argument this is always how it ends - me storming out, my little sister Hayley going off to cry in her room, my dad stomping around slamming doors as my mother desperately tries to reconcile the situation. It never works.

Shivering in the evening breeze, I wish I'd thought to pick up my jacket in my way out. But that hardly matters.

The woods are the only place I can ever get any peace and quiet from the constant fighting at home. My parents used to try and stop me coming out here - they would always warn me of the dangerous creatures lurking deep in the forest. But I've never encountered aything remotely deadly out here, and if I did, it's not as though I wouldn't be able to defend myself.

At least, that's what I like to think.

The moon, which is full and bright, cuts through the gathering darkness, casting shadows onto the worn down path I'm running along.

My quick breaths create small clouds in the cold air. I pull the sleeves of my thin cardigan down a little more.

When I reach the place I usually stop at, I slow down for a second. This is the place I like to come and sit, away from the conflict at home and just people in general.

It's too cold to stop tonight. So I just keep running.

After a while I reach the end of the path. Ahead of me is a dense mass of undergrowth and weeds. I would never usually go this far into the woods, but I don't want to go back yet.

Taking a deep breath, I push aside a stray branch and continue through the trees.

I can't deny that I'm kind of scared; the thick branches above now block out most of the moonlight that was previously illuminating my way forward. I've never been a big fan of the dark, especially when I'm on my own.

I ignore my fear and forge on, pushing branches out of my way as I go.

Twigs snap under my feet. It's almost pitch dark now. I don't know why I keep going. I should turn back towards home now.

But for some reason, I don't.

Suddenly I come to a halt.

I'm sure I heard something. And I'm sure it wasn't me.

I strain my ears to try and work out what it was. My heart pounds heavily.


I take a few more tentative step forward.

My heart leaps into my throat as I hear it: another set of footsteps.

I'm not going to lie - I'm pretty fucking terrified right now.

Trying to be as silent as possible, I take small steps back in the direction of the path.

Whatever it was I heard, or whoever, doesn't make another sound. I start to wonder if it was just my paranoid brain making me hear things and I let myself breath again.

But then I see something moving in the darkness. It moves towards me. A figure.

I'm literally paralysed in fear. All the stories I've been told come into my mind at once. I am going to die tonight. I'm sure of it.

I attempt to run backwards but end up tripping over a fallen branch, knocking my fedora off in the process. I stare at it as it rolls away from me, a feeling of dread and desperation coming over my entire body.

The figure comes towards me; I'm pretty sure it's a man, a little taller than me. I probably shouldn't be scared, but I am. In fact I've never been more scared in my life.

The man comes right up to where I lay on the floor. With one quick movement, he picks me up and pins me against a tree.

Holy smokes, I think, he's strong.

I can now see him close up now: he's younger than I thought, maybe twenty at the most, and his pitch black hair falls over one side of his face. His skin is very pale - it looks almost like porcelain.

Suddenly he opens his mouth and let's out what sounds like a growl. I see his teeth. They're pointed. Like...fangs.

I feel my face turn into an expression of pure terror as I realise what he is and what he is going to do.

He is a vampire. And he is going to bite me.

But then, suddenly, his stone eyes turn soft. He makes a gasping sound and then let's go of me. He makes his way backwards, away from me.

I can't believe it.

He let me go.

I sink down to the floor in pure relief, heavy breaths rolling through my whole body.

Word count: 846

Hey peeps, i hope you liked this ヽ(ᵔωᵔ)ノ

Please vote and leave a comment with your opinion, it would be much appreciated ;)) Soz for any mistakes I made there are probably a bunch I them I didn't notice.

I'm hoping that this book is gonna go well and not fail like pretty much all my other books and I'll hopefully be updating this every week (maybe) although I doubt that will happen lolzor

Anyway bye guys ;)

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