#0059 "Your 'miracle hangover cure' couldn't possibly beat mine."

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Thank you for all the votes and comments on my last one shot they really made my day! As promised here is the next one.

I'm not going to lie I didn't really stick to the prompt with this one but it's definitely still mixed in there. Also there is some mention of Josh x Maya. Don't like don't read. The ending is a bit abrupt but it works.

Word Count: 2,349

Rated T: It's more of a low T just some drinking and minor swearing.

#59 "Your 'miracle hangover hangover cure' couldn't possibly beat mine."

The gang was at their weekly hangout, a bar that was the halfway point between all of their jobs. Farkle and Lucas' apartments were closer to the bar than Riley and Zay's but since they came straight from work they didn't mind the commute back home.

Halfway through their dinners the conversation strayed into hangovers and cures.  Maya, Lucas, Zay, and Farkle got into an argument over who'd experienced the worst hangover ever and the best way to get over them. Not wanting to be left out Riley boasted about her hangover cure. While the rest of the group laughed her off Farkle took her seriously insisting his cure was far better than hers could ever be.

Maya quickly intervened knowing how competitive Farkle could get.  That and she knew Riley didn't have a hangover cure. But Riley wasn't off the hook. Maya had plans for both of them later.

After they'd payed for their dinners a few of them decided to stay for drinks with the exception of Lucas and Zay who said their goodbyes and left. Riley should have noticed the mischievous glint in Maya's eyes when she said she would be joining them even though it was a known fact she would rather be at home cozying up with Josh.

"So, Farkley you think you have the best hangover cure?"

"Of course." Farkle scoffed. "It was developed by the best, and by the best I mean me."

They bickered back and forth for a while. Riley ignored them choosing instead to focus on the one glass of chardonnay she was allowing herself to have. After the day she'd had she could definitely go for more than one drink.

Her phone buzzed and she knew for a fact it was Charlie.

Charlie, who had proposed today at the office.

The same Charlie she had turned down because the thought of marrying him filled her with dread, not excitement.

The same Charlie who wouldn't leave her the fuck alone. They'd dated a full year before Riley realized she didn't like who she'd become with him. She'd been looking for a way to break up with him when he got the smart idea he should propose. Saying no had never been easier.

Riley downed the rest of her glass, debating whether or not she should have another. Right when she was about to ask for another Farkle was next to her shoving into her hand a crumpled napkin with instructions scribbled all over it. At the top it read 'Minkus' Miracle Medicine.' Riley quickly scanned it. It included but was not limited to three raw eggs? Gross.

"What's this? What are you two doing?" Farkle was loosening his tie and rolling up his sleeves while Maya took off her coat, spreading it on the back of her chair.

"Honey, we're about to get hammered."

"Farkle?" Riley knew that he was the one she could always count on for common sense.

Farkle shrugged, "She doesn't believe me."

Except for tonight.

One salt lick, two tequila shots and a lime later Maya whooped patting Farkle on the back. "Not bad Farkle!"

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