#024 "I think I'm in love."

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Only one more left guys.

I apologize for taking so long with this but it took me a while to get some parts of this right. This is the continuation of #005. I'm not too in love with this but I hope you like it.

Word Count: 1,667

Rating K+: Only because there is some drinking which really isn't a big deal but I don't want to take any chances.

#024 "I think I'm in love."

Riley watched the sun set over the Friar ranch, enjoying the first moment she'd been able to get to herself all day—all week actually. The wedding flowed smoothly, working together all of their mothers managed to plan the out of state wedding down to perfection. The ceremony itself was beautiful, by the time Lucas and Maya had finished saying their wedding vows there wasn't a dry eye in the room. Their dance had also gone off without a hitch, Farkle managing to make it through the entire song without any major errors.

When they'd started playing slow songs Riley wandered away from the safety of the tent and now found herself in Pappy Joe's rocking chair. Rocking back and forth she felt herself being lulled to sleep, being Maya's maid of honor was exhausting but luckily the day was over. In a few more minutes she would say goodbye to the newlyweds and head up to the room she was sharing with Ava.

The Friars were nice enough to fly out Auggie's girlfriend, but her parents hadn't wanted them in the same room together. So, since Riley was the only girl who was still single they were bunking together while Auggie and Josh stayed together. She wasn't going to be the one who told her parents that more often than naught Ava didn't come in for the night. Riley let out a soft chuckle, Ava Morgenstern always got her way and she was sure Auggie was more than willing to comply. 

"Care for some company?"

Opening her eyes Riley finally understood what Maya had meant when she said that people turned gold. Farkle stood in front of her, his hands tucked into his pockets shifting nervously, the sun's rays casting a halo of golden light around him.  Everything was prettier at sunset. She shook her head in an effort to clear her thoughts before motioning in front of her, "Not at all."

Farkle sat down a couple of paces in front of her. Getting up she took a seat next to him on the stoop, careful not to step on the many folds of her dress. Farkle was still in his suit, his bowtie hanging loosely around his neck.

"I always forget how beautiful this place is," Farkle said staring up at the sky in awe. "It almost makes me want to move here." Riley hummed in agreement watching a lone bird fly across the landscape, disappearing into the surrounding trees. Sometimes when there was a deadline looming over her head she wished she could be like that bird and fly away from all her problems. Farkle reached out tucking a loose strand of hair that had escaped its fancy chignon, startled she turned to him her eyes wide in surprise. As if finally noticing what he was doing he dropped his hand faster than Riley would have liked.

Abruptly he asked, "Why'd you run away?" He didn't elaborate, it wasn't necessary. His question was one that she'd asked herself several times since 'the incident' as she'd taken to calling it. She'd wanted to kiss him, she'd wanted it so bad it scared her.

She told him as much, "You're my best friend I don't want to lose you too." Riley spoke into the darkness hugging her knees to her chest.

Farkle sensed the undercurrent in her voice, "If you're talking about Maya you and I both know you can't lose her. You didn't lose her then, you're not going to lose her now. As for me, sorry to be the one to break it to you but you still owe me for saving your life. So you can count on me being around for another month or so." Riley leveled him with a glare, "I'm kidding. I'm here for as long as you'll have me."

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