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I think the one thing I hate most in life is Fake Fans.

Now the reason I'm bringing this up, is because I ran into them today.

Now I'm obsessed with Shawn Mendes.

No shame because he's a babe so yea.


Somebody was saying that they liked one of his new songs,

Now see this wasn't the part that bothered me.

It's the fact that she claimed ahe was a fan,

But pronounced his name

Seen, yes exactly like that, Mendeez.

Seen Mendeez.

SeEn MeNDEez.



Now I see how Mendes may be a little difficult to pronounce, but Shawn?

How do you get SEEN from SHAWN!!!

If Shawn was spelled Sean, again I understand


It's spelled Shawn.


Another fake fan I talked to today happens to be related to me.

She's the Fake Fan everyone hates to be around.

She's the one who pretends to be a hardcore fangirl but doesn't even know their name.

Let me tell you a scenario,

Her name will not be told in this she will just go as person.

Person: O-M-G!! I just love Shawn Robert Gordon Hood!!

(WTH ikr.)

Me: Who?

Person: You Know? Shawn Hood?

Me: No I don't.

Person: Ugh! Amanda you're such a fake fan, You went to his concert.

(I did go to the 5sos concert guys, it was amazing !!)

Me: Can you name a song they sing?

Person: Never Be An American Idiot

That's where my brain exploded

A couple of things before I go on.

1. Shawn Robert Gordon Hood, is not a real person,

2. 5SOS & Shawn Mendes are 2 totally different genres.

3. I never went to this person's concert, because they are not REAL!!

4. Greenday sings American Idiot!! Not 5SOS, They just covered the song.

Let's proceed.

So after I calmly explained to her that it was not a real person and she just mixed up 5SOS and Shawn Mendes, she left.

She got very annoyed because she is ALWAYS right!!

So please if you ever hear this

Shawn Robert Gordon Hood on the radio, please contact me IMMEDIATELY!!

Okay enough ranting for now, lemme leave.

Thanks for reading, If you did read. Anyway Bye!!

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