Meeting "him" prt.1

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Bubbles P.O.V

Well we are at the hospital cuz my momma broke her damn back because she was twerking like come on momma u is old as a bay n u the twerk *rolls eyes* I swear

Dr.Brown-The family of Ashley Blake?


Dr.Brown-Well Ms.Ashley broke back legment n we did sugary n she can leave in 2 days

Bubbles-ok wat room is she in



Aww shiid what the hell am I goin to do without a grown up in the house now I kno wat u thinking THROW A DAMN PARTY well bish who in the hell am I supposed to invite oooo maybe that sexy dude with a Mohawk

Mom- baby are u okay

Bubbles-huh oh yea

Mom-oh otay

Bubbles-ok um are u goin to have me under security?

Mom-Uh no


Mom-cuz u say so

Bubbles- *mumbles*Watch me get security guarding my house like they supposed to do Zimmerman

Mom-wat was dat Hun

Bubbles-huh oh nothing but um im gonna get u something to eat cuz I kno this food in here is nasty as-

Mom- wat were u about to say


Mom- Otay bye baby

Bubbles-bye mom *walks out*

??? P.O.V

???-ok Devin follow her until she reaches her destination n make conversation with her then make her trust u then we make our move

Devin-ok boss

???-we are coming after u bubbles n u shall die

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A/N poor bubbles she in some deep

Mom-wat u were u goin to say baby

Dog doodoo mom

Mom-okay bye

Ottaaay n e way um



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