Chapter 9

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Ravenstars POV
Newtfang and I sat in my den, my head resting on his shoulders. A cool breeze washed over my like an ocean.

"Do you think the Clan will disapprove?" I ask Newtfang.

"It doesn't matter what they think. Just what we think," He answered.

"I think we should still tell them. They will be an important addition to our clan."

"I agree, and we should do it now," Newtfang mewed.

"Now? Why now?" I ask.

"Cause why not?" ( ;) Ham_Nova )

"Okay then. Let's go," I meow, standing up.

I shiver from the cold wind. Newtfang grooms my ruffled fur back. I smile at him before walking out into the clearing.

"All cats old enough to swim gather here beneath the HighLedge for a Clan meeting!" I call.

The hunting patrol had just walked into camp as I called the meeting. Cats whispered to each other and looked at me in confusion. They probably weren't sure why a meeting was being called.  Once I saw that most or all the clan was gathered I began to speak.

"I have an announcement to make. Newtfang and I are mates as of about a moon ago. And to add on I am expecting!" I smile looking out into the crowd.

They looked stunned for a moment but then yelled,

"Ravenstar! Newtfang! Ravenstar! Newtfang!"

I smiled brightly, looking back at Newtfang. He was walking forward and sat beside me.

"When I give birth,  and until my kits become apprentices, I will be in my den most of the time, Newtfang will step in as leader and Ivystem will step in as deputy!"

Ivystem eyes widened before she started smiling.

"Ivystem! Ivystem!"

"Thank you Ravenstar! I'll try my best for my part time duties!" She meowed.

I dipped my head in welcome. "Clan dismissed," I call.

I decide to have some alone time and jump down and walk out of the camp. The sun was setting behind the trees. Before long, I find myself at the river, watching the water flow.

"I thought I'd find you here,"

I look up to see a red and orange pelt, across the border.

"Foxstar? What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Well partially because I read your mind and the other, I used to see you here all the time. I thought it was a good bet," Foxstar meowed, coming to sit on the other side of the river.

"So you know?" I ask.

"About your pregnancy? Yes, I do," Foxstar meows.

We sat there in silence for a little bit before I meowed, "What do you think?"

Foxstar sighed still looking at the water. She waited a moment before responding.

"Part of me thinks your crazy, because of what's happening in MoonClan, but the other part of me wants to congratulate you."

"I'll still be able to fight!" I say giving her a hard stare.

"Not in a moon or so. You will be close to kitting!"

I sigh, not responding. "Would you ever have kits?" I ask her.

"Me?" Foxstar asks surprised.

"Does it look like there is anyone else here? Yes you,"

"Alright, alright. You already got your pregnancy temper coming on. But no I would not have kits. I scared away the cat that liked me anyways so ya," Foxstar meowed.

"What'd you do this time?" I ask laughing.

"Well I kinda yelled at him a couple of times and tried to kill him with my powers,"

"Foxstar! Why did you do that?!"

"I didn't want him following me around!" Foxstar meowed.

"Well maybe Rosestar will have kits. I know that she has someone following her around," I meow, "You should go. I here my sun-down patrol."

"Okay well I'll see you at the next gathering!" She waved with her tail and gave a smile, and she walked into the trees.

I turn and just a second later Hawkflash, Blossompaw, and Newtfang show up.

"Newtfang!" I trot up to him, "I have decided that you will be training Blossompaw while I'm occupied with my kits,"

Newtfang nods and so does Blossompaw.

"Well off you go. I'm going back to camp," I meow and walk past them and I head back to camp.

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