Chapter 22: The Dark Truth, And Stories...

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*Jake's POV*

We had all our stuff pack and we all moved into Cambria's house. We were waiting for Jon to get ahold of us. We said bye to out friends and family. Our parents gave us money just so they know we could live out there without a worry. It wasn't until the very end of the week that Jon called Andy. We heard Andy talking and he was freaking out. Cambria came out and had the biggest grin on her face and we were just wondering what the hell was going on.

"Jon found a way to move us all without going on a plan, one since Roku and Chris are worry about the kids being to young else and the pug. So he found a new way for us to be getting out of here and they will be here in an hour." She smiled and walked back to wake up Ashley and Jess. Roku and Chris. They were all happy and I looked at Jinxx.

"This is really happening for us isn't it?" I had to ask, make sure I wasn't dreaming.

"It is really happening. We are going to LA and have a record deal for us!" Alice and Ella both giggled and tackle us into a hug. I swear the sofa beds were night but I wanted my bed back and that wouldn't be until the time we got to the new house.

We moved everything out of the house, Cambria handed the keys over to her land lords and even got her many back for ranting so long. We had everything in the yard and we were thinking of a moving trailer and van like we always have. When a fucking tour band and huge trailer hook to the back of it came into the street and stopped in front of us. We were all freaking out. There was no way we were going to be able to pay for this. What was even more great what he got moving guys too and they put our stuff in the trailer for us and Jon show us around the bus. Chris and Ashley ran to the back and making sure they were the first to get the beds. Jess and Roku just rolled their eyes and knew they would be stuck where ever the boys would be. Roku walked back to get the twins in a bed since they were at the nap time. It's going to be a long trip being on this bus. I was looking around and they had everything on here. We all picked out beds, and we then sit in the living area, while Jon and the bus driver were in the front with the address to our new home. It was more then we could have ask for and kinda sad to move away from everyone we been around.

"You know, we all never share stories, I mean with Chris, he shared everything with us but we never told him anything about ourselves ever. We know about people bulling him, that he was having a hard time with his mom's family and everything, but we never explain to him about us." Andy did have a point and some of us had a dark past. I sighed and he looked at me. "I'm guessing you want to go first?"

"I can if you guys want that. I mean Ella and I have a lot she share." I smiled at her. "See I lived in another state, been to a few actually. Though when my mom got sick, we moved here. I didn't meet Andy until grade school and didn't side with him until the first grade of middle school. I was a loner and didn't really want anything because I found out bad news about my mom. She was my main weird, even to my sister and father she was our main worry." It was getting really hard to talk about. My mom was still around but it killed me to be leaving here like this.

"It's okay babe, you can keep telling your story. I'm here for you." Ella kissed my cheek and I was glad I had her.

"Anyways, I ended up with a lot of trouble. When I first moved here. I tried to stick up for Andy in maybe it was like 2nd grade. The kids were messing with him on the playground and I went over and punched the kid in the face for it. The day after that, they beat my ass. Teach me and Andy a lesson that day." I just sighed a bit. I remember that day, they had Andy tied to a pole with a jumprope and throwing mud and everything at him because to them he was a freak and weird kid.

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