Ch. 4~

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My arms were limp. Legs dangling off the side of the cold, hard table. The bright white light over head dazed my mind. And the only thing over me was a thin sheet of medical cloth.

A ding sounded off somewhere and the clicking of heels trailed around me. I winced as the rolley-table was swung around and pushed into what I assumed to be the hall-way. The lights started to streak across my vision, sort of in a race. Some dark shapes came and left and were soon forgotten. Why was everything so... Strange? Before I knew it, that stupid rainbow was back and my sight was gone.


Why would they put us here? Bridgett thought. Her arms cradling her little Weiner dog.

"Hey, don't feel so down." Mom rubbed her shoulder in a calming way. They both had been escorted to a high-ranking military camp. Since society had been threatened by an out-break of 'Super Rabies'. As they called it. The FED's had refused to leak any information about anything. And the only information they did tell was about how Corporal Dalton had requested Sita to join him on his mission. And Mom wasn't to keen on hearing that said so lightly.

"Is Sissy going to be O.k.?" Bridgett glanced upward with tears on the verge of down-pouring.

"Yes. They found her. She's at school, so they are taking her here." Mom thought of all the times that Sita had skipped school. She quickley stopped because she couldn't bear to know what would happen otherwise. "She's going to be ok... I know it." And If she didn't know better, she would've thought those were tears forming on her eyes too.


When I awoke, I immediatly jerked my limbs up. Only to be stopped by the leather straps around my wrists and ankles. I let my head drop back down with a thud. A moment later a nurse appeared in army-green scrubs and hat.

"Oh good you're awake. How do you feel? Any nausea, headache, or physical pain?" She asked quickly.

I felt like if she talked anymore I was going to barf. "Yeah, Why are my arms so heavy? Can you take these straps off? Or give me a lift to the nearest bathroom?" I asked the same way, irritated.

"Um, yes. As long as you can tell me your full name, just to confirm you have regained full consciousness." She waited patienly with clip-board in hand.

"My name is Sita Im-gonna-piss-my-pants-if-I-don't-go-pee- Jay Anne Ray. Can I go now?" I hoped she liked sarcasm.

Her eyes were really wide for a minute then she smiled sweetly. "Yes. One moment."

After I jumped off the table I felt huge. Like. BUILT.

"Uh, excuse me ma'am. But, were all those tests necessary ?"

She nodded quickly. "I know it sounds stupid but trust me, You will thank me later. You would've suffered big time if it weren't for what we did." After scratching a few more things down on the paper, she motioned towards the door. "Excuse me, I must leave."

I didn't honestly know what to do. I saw a mirror in the corner of the room. Hmmm.

I timidly stepped in front of the mirror. Woah. I. Was. BUILT. Like, not over the top or soo much muscle I couldn't run fast, but perfectly built. I had a light hospital gown on. I could literally see the sculpted outline of my abs. Damn. Hell yeah! The nurse was right, this would help me when training came around, I wouldn't be the scrawny weakling that got shoved into lockers.

I couldn't help but spend the next half hour flexing in front of that wonderful mirror. Totally forgetting that I had to pee.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2014 ⏰

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