Chapter 1: Life is Torture

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Brandy sniffed the stale popcorn left out by Sita's sister. He flicked his scruffy ears. This wasn't worth eating. Instead he decided to check under the bed. There is bound to be an extra bone somewhere...

Bridgett fidgetted in her sleep. A loud distinct thump came from under her bed. She sat up imediatly. "What was that...?" She squeaked. "Moooommm???" She called, hunching under the covers.

"What?" Mother popped out from behind the door frame almost instantly. Bridgett pondered for a second.

"Um... Uh. Something's under my bed." Then she said in a smaller voice. "Get it out..."

Mother rolled her eyes. "Its probably just Princess or Brandy." She said in that motherly voice. Mother smiled and continuously dried her hands on a dish towl. "I'll get Sita." Turning, she shouted her name. "SITA!! COME GET THE DOG OUT OF YOUR SISTER'S ROOM!" Then walked back to the kitchen.


Sita's eyes blinked into focus as her mom screeched across the house. "Why do you have to yell?" She questioned quietly, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Sita got out of bed and grabbed her UnderArmor Hoodie, slipped on her fuzzy pants (Because she was wearing night shorts) and swung open the slightly ajar bedroom door. Slightly Open?... Brandy...

"Brandy." She called. "Here Boy." She whistled. No paw steps. She looked back to see an empty dog bed. "Grrrrr.."

Sita stomped a good 10 feet all the way to her sister's bedroom and barged in. "BRANDY!!??" Scuffling then a little whine came from under the bed. A moment later and a grey and white head popped out from the my-little-pony sheets by the bed. "Get. Out. Of. This.Room." Sita dramaticly swung her arm and pointed to the hallway. She had an evil look on her face, but mostly pissed off.

Brandy hauled himself out from under the bed and hung his head as he left the room, tail between the legs.

"Thats right." Sita's eyes were huge as she said that.


As Mother cleaned up breakfast, I was frustrated with my shoe laces. "They. Wont. Tie." I growled.

"Well, for one thing, you aren't getting the loop right." Bridgett mocked tieing invisible shoe-laces in the air, putting on a stupid face.

"Oh, Shut up!" I hissed.

"Girls!" MOther pounced in. "Stop fighting and get outside, the bus will be here any moment." She attemped to drag my 30 pound bag over to me.

"Pffft." I snorted rather loudly and with ease tossed it over both shoulders. "I still dont have any shoes. Can I go bare footed?" She asked curiously.

"NO." Mom went crazed. "You know thats against school policy, and you'll get sick!!" She basically could've poured hot water down my back instead of scolding me.

"Ok then," I sighed. Hugging her and started out the door. "Bye, love you." I paused. "Oh, tell Brandy I love him too!" And the door closed.


Mother looked from the kitchen window to the living room couch. Brandy perked his ears. "You heard her, she loves you too."


"You're such a freaking noob!" The kid screamed across the cafeteria.

"OH YEAH?" I screamed. "Come say that to my FACE!!" I hurled the last words at him like daggers.

The stupid ass actually started across the room. I just put my foot onto my seat and grinned.

Megan held her face in her hands. "And here come the reinforcements.." She sighed.

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