Free time chap 3

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              Dr.RX Pov (holy fucking shit)

I sighed as I saw Erik leave. I'll be honest with you,I'm not interested in women.I took a sip of black coffee,until I saw a whore looking female,I think she looked like a slut to be honest,I mean honestly,thigh, short dress and it's tight,also she was showing her breast at me.I sometimes wish people would know I'm homosexual,but I looked at her smiling and said"Hello,Abigail,how are you?" I asked sweetly,but really,I'm disgusted by her.She responded with chewing gum and finally responding "Oh,I was wondering if we had homework?""No Abigail,we don't have homework for the entire 3 weeks"She than got close,I mean real close to me,I tried to pry her off in a nice way so she doesn't get sad or fussy,but she keeps on pushing herself on me,I had to do something quick."Please get off of me,Abigail."but this damn bitch won't move. "Oh Dr.RX the fun is getting started~~."She purred."MS.COLBERT,GET OFF OF ME RIGHT NOW ,THIS INSTANT!!" I yelled.She was shocked but still smirking"I love teachers like you~You always put up a fight~~.See you later,Dr.RX~!"

           I felt very disgusted right now, but I have heard everybody telling me I was sexy and everything,I hope Erik does too~.(in this school, a teacher CAN fall in love with a student,but don't let anyone know) I don't know why,but I have a feeling he likes me too,yet people are calling him goth and all those bullshits. I know this shall sound very wrong,but I want to dissect him in my own special way and test experiments on him~!Remember, I have to dissect animals and people,there my favorite to dissect~!I went back into my cruel mind and thoughts while drinking black coffee,than decided to get my labcoat.Today I'll dissect more things!

Erik's Pov

I was walking to the rooftop of the school,and the school is VERY big,so the roof of the school should be long too. I waited on the bench,than I heard laughing,I don't know,but when I hear people laughing,I just wanna stab them. I'm kinda mentally unstable,I don't know what I'm diagnosed with,all I know is that I have a disorder.I sat there on the bench,thinking.I wonder what food tastes like? I wonder, how does the air smell like? Does the air smell like rotting flesh? What does rotting flesh smell like?All I know is that it smells 'bad'. I also didn't get enough sleep yesterday,or ever,to be honest I have insomnia,l could never sleep,or it just takes me awhile to sleep.I started thinking about Dr.RX,was he married?What's his sexuality?Bisexual or Homosexual,even Heterosexual?I just hope that he is Bi or Homo. I mean he's insane,and a Mad Doctor.Something in me,tells me that he is a murder,if so,EXTRA POINTS BITCH,YOU WOULDN'T WANT TO BE WITH A MURDERER except for me,I love murderers. I know I met him just today,but I would be glad to be his slave, who wouldn't,no straight guys can't say no to Dr.RX,he's hot,athletic,tall as fucking Hell(Curtis is 6'3~). And so much more.Everything about him is PERFECTION,I mean, I love his vine tattoo,
ITS FUCKING PERFECT TOO!! Now trust me,if you ever see him right in front of you,you may fangirl/fanboy,OOh I imagine him with blood and everything,he'll look in even more hotter~.Wait, hold on,this is my first time calling somebody hot.Well this is a excuse,because I bet he has a perfect ass too.I later heard the principal,saying, "HELLO,EXCUSE US,WE ARE HERE TO ANNOUNCE THAT YOU TEENAGERS,HAVE 1HOUR LEFT,SO SPEND IT ALL ON GOOD THING,NOT BAD THINGS,IM LOOKING AT YOU,JOSH AND BRIAN.GOOD DAY EVERYONE!!" It finally ended,I decided to pack up and leave the rooftop. I headed to my homeroom class,where Dr.Sexy is at.He quickly looked up at me and smirked.My fucking God,that could make anybody faint,HIS SMIRK IS PERFECT,IS THERE ANY FLAWS ON THIS GUY!? I had to calm down,which I did,but failed.I quickly took out my sketchbook,and started drawing Dr.RX(Did I tell you that I'm a professional artist,if not,Well you now do!)While I was drawing,Dr.RX came up behind me,but I didn't realized,until a heard the bell rung,meaning Free Period is finally over,and a lot of female students rushed in the class and started flirting with my- I mean our teacher.Then the guys walked in,casually,next, they started talking to DrRX about football and their little shitty thing.I'm sorry, I highly dislike jocks and cheerleaders,wait,scratch that.I hate fucking everyone. (only the students and few teachers)"Kiddies~Settle down,we need to dissect a deer,"He said. I personally thought he was kidding,but apparently,he wasn't joking,he was serious as fuck. I looked at the dead dear/dissected dear.I wanna run,yet I want to stay.I was
L-O-V-I-N-G the blood though.Then I saw something,which disturbed everybody (but the girls still had a crush on him,and the guys still thought he was cool)The heart was still beating...

THE FUCKING HEART WAS STILL BEATING,IT WAS GOING LIKE,thump-thump-thump. I looked up at Dr.RX,he was beautifully insane,and I love it. I pointed down at the beating heart,for everybody to see,Dr.RX noticed,"Oh~It's still beating~It's a miracle!"He than took a knife,stabbed the deer,27 times.So much blood was everywhere,organs flied,on the wall,even on some of our desks.Everybody watched in awe,than cheered loudly.I saw Dr.RX shot me a smirk,than a wink.The bell ringed,time to leave this Hell Hole,
(A/N they will start going to different classrooms for math reading and more)I was about to leave until Dr.RX,grabbed my shoulders and whispered in my ear"Where are you going?" He whispered softly. I said"Getting out of this Hell Hole,ain't nobody got time for that!"but I sat on his desk and crossed my legs and arms over each other.I was nervous,a hot teacher standing in front of me.He grabbed me and pulled me up.Dr.RX kissed me. I was shocked,but got use to it and slithered my heads around my being short(5'6)and him being tall (6'3)he picked me up with his hands around my waist.The kiss was smooth,nice and not rushed.We broke off from are lips,lacking of air.Dr.RX said,"Erik,I liked you when I saw you. You are cold,mean and black hearted,I like it when the ukes act like that~"He cooed.I blushed a cherrylicious red(get it,Cherrylicious57) he was trying to test my limits,I growled "Kiss me,you idiot" I grabbed his tie to make him come to the same height as me,and kissed him there.I checked the clock,4:52. I broke the kiss, and pecked his cheek,I grabbed my items "Goodbye Dr.Sexy~" I flirted,which turned him red to ear to face.I left the classroom,and headed out the entrance of the school and left.I walked out the school,saw my house and ran in there.I threw my shoes off and dropped everything I was holding.I ran to the stairs,tripping multiple times.I finally got in my room and threw myself on top of my bed, giggling madly.What can I say?Im officially dating a sexy mad doctor.Once I calmed down, I checked inside my bookbag, I noticed something, a piece of paper.I picked it up and examined the little sticky paper. It read,

"So,are we a thing?"Signed Dr.RX.

I looked down and saw a phone number. It's probably his ( No shit,Erik)I dialed his number, I waited for a couple of seconds until a hear a"Hello~?" "Hey,Dr.RX,it's me Erik." "Oh hey Erik~" "What are you doing?" "Oh~Dissecting some animals,also,are we a couple?" "I don't know about that..,I mean, I want to be in a romantic relationship with you,but do you want us to be a thing?"
"Oh darling~What kind of question is that?Of course I want to be in a relationship with you." "Really,YES!!"
I heard him chuckling,than I blushed madly. I than heard the doorbell ringing, I went downstairs and saw Dr.RX,standing in my doorway,covered in crimson. I tightly hugged him."Wanna go to my place?" He asked casually,with that deep,muscular voice. I grabbed my shoes and put them on and headed outside with Dr.RX.We both got in the car and drove.


So sorry, I've been writing this part for two days, I kept on getting interrupted my something or it just takes me hours. I hope you like it all (espacially you,RandomPerson aka my senpai, I LOVE your stories~) Have a nice day Everyone~!

Teacher's Pet (CurtRik- Teacher!Curtis x Student!ErikHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin