Day 3

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"Day 3! Things are going great! What could go wrong?" Tweek happily said to himself as he was getting ready for school.

Then, Tweek was getting a phone call from Butters. "Hello?"

"Hey buddy! I have some bad news.." Butters said.

"What happened?"

"Please don't freak out.."

"I won't!"

"Craig isn't here today."

Tweek thought for a minute. It's just one day! It's not that big of a deal... Wait a minute. OF COURSE ITS A BIG DEAL! THATS A DAY WASTED FOR FUCKS SAKE!

"THIS IS TERRIBLE!" Tweek freaked clearly broke the promise and started to freak out.

"I told you not to freak out!"

"When have I ever not freaked out?"

"True.. I'll see you at school buddy!" Butters hanged up the phone.

I spoke to soon saying what could go wrong.

Tweek got to school, and took his books out his locker. When he closed it, Kenny had his arms crossed with a grin on his face.

"Hey Tweek! So where's Craig?"

"Oh! He's not here today.."

"Aw. That sucks because it's a day wasted."

"Yea, I guess.."

"Well, we should be heading to class now alright?"

The bell rang, and Kenny and Tweek walked together to first period. He's right.. What am I going to do? Show up at his house asking why he didn't come to school today? That's just creepy.

Tweek took a seat and looked at the empty chair next to him and sighed.

"Okay class, today we are going to-" Mr. Garrison stopped talking, and looked at the empty seat next to Tweek. "Where the hell is Craig, Tweek?" Mr. Garrison asked.

"I don't know. Why are you asking me?"

"Because you guys are homos!" Cartman called out.

"I knew it!" Kenny laughed.

Tweek slammed his head on the desk. This was going to be a long boring day.


Tweek quickly left Ms. Chokesondik's classroom in a hurry. To put his stuff back in his locker. All day people just kept asking him where Craig was.

"TWEEK!" PC Principal yelled walking to Tweek.

"Hey PC Principal." Tweek said frustrated.

"So where's Craig?"

Tweek sighs and gritted his teeth. "I don't know where he is. WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP ASKING ME??"

"Whoah. Chill out bro." PC Principal walked away.

"13 days left!" Kenny coughed walking past Tweek.

DAMMIT! Tweek angrily shut his locker, and walked out the school. Everyone was pissing him off today, honestly.

"I just need some to eat." Tweek said to himself. Tweek was walking past the donut shop, and saw a familiar face through the window.

Tweek looked closely to the window, and there was Craig eating two jelly donuts.

"He didn't come to school today but he's eating donuts?" Tweek walked in the shop, and walked behind Craig to where he was sitting.

"These are so fucking good!" Craig said to himself, eating the donuts with jelly on his face.

"Enjoying your donuts?" Tweek asked.

"Yup, they are so fucking good-" Craig stopped talking as he looked behind him, and saw Tweek.


"I came here to get a donut.. Why weren't you in school today?"

"Oh! I was sick." Craig said as he did a fake cough.

"Why the fuck you lying.." Tweek muttered.


"Prove it!"

"Uh... AH CHOO!" Craig did a fake sneeze.

"I'm not falling for that Craig."

"FUCK! Okay, I lied."


"I just didn't feel like going," Craig shrugged. "Why do you even care so much if I'm in school?"

"Because it's boring when your not there.."

"Aw, how cute. I'm blushing." Craig picked up his donut and spread the jelly on his cheeks and Tweek laughed.

"Your stupid!" Tweek joked.

"Aw come on! You blush too!" Craig spread some of the jelly on Tweek's cheeks.

Tweek really did blush at this and laughed. "Craig! Really?" Tweek got a tissue and wiped the jelly of his cheeks.

"Your blush is gone!"

"It will come back.."

Tweek and Craig where laughing so hard people in the shop were looking in their direction, but they didn't care. "Well this has been fun, but I should get going.."

Before Tweek could leave, Craig grabbed his wrist.

"Wait! Could you stay here with me? This is so much fun!"


"S-sure." Tweek smiled. He picked up a donut.
Aw, cuties! I loved writing this chapter. :)

Im also so sorry for the late updates D: but my finals are over so I'll be updating regularly again!

Hope you liked this chapter! :D

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