Day 7 (continued)

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I am screwed. No no no. This can't be happening! I can't fall for him like that!

I mean, we just started being friends seven days ago. Before he always seemed nervous when he was near me and I don't know why.
Okay, just don't panic Craig. Maybe it was just the heat of the moment? Yeah...

Tweek and Craig walked back to the classroom, while the others were waiting for them.

"So where were you guys? Alone together?" Clyde asked, pointing to the two.

Tweek and Craig looked at eachother with a blush on there cheeks. "Nothing happened!"

"That's bullshit.." Clyde whispered to Kenny and Butters while they chuckled. "I HEARD THAT CLYDE!" Craig yelled. "Love you too Craig!" Clyde winked.

"So Tweek! Since your the leader of our team what should we do to raise money for the trip?" Butters asked.

Tweek looked away. "Oh! I haven't really thought about it.." Tweek and Craig sat back down while everyone tried coming up with some ideas.

Kenny smiled. "I personally think we should do a car wash in some sexy outfits!" Everyone stared at Kenny for a good minute, shaking their heads. "You guys are no fun!" Kenny pouted.

"ANYWAYS, I think we should sell pictures of me. I mean cmon, I'm smoking." Clyde can be so stuck up at times. "Clyde, there's no way in fuck we are doing that." Craig said annoyed.

"Why not?"




Craig and Clyde just kept going at it, and this was honestly just a disaster.


Make that a major disaster. While Craig, Clyde and Kenny were arguing, Tweek and Butters just sat there silently not knowing what to do. "Should we stop this?" Tweek asked. "I think it's best if we stay out of it.. Ms.Chokesondik will probably take care of it for us.." That's exactly when Ms.Chokesondik came over to the table since there was a lot of yelling.


"We can't agree on what we want to do!" Clyde whined.

"YOU BOYS ARE SO FUC-," Pretty sure Ms.Chokesondik was going to curse them out, but she caught herself. She cleared her throat. "Tweek is the leader! It's his decision. Now stop arguing! If I come back here one more time there will be consequences!" Ms.Chokesondik then walked away.

Craig placed his hand on Tweek's shoulder. "I'm sorry, Tweek. I was being selfish and should have asked you first. Can you forgive me?"

Please don't blush now! Please don't blush now! It was to late. Tweek felt his face heat up, and felt butterflies when Craig touched him. He's still waiting for me to respond. Snap out of it Tweek!

That's when Tweek snapped out of it and smiled. "It's fine Craig. You don't need to apologize."

"HEY! Why don't you ever say sorry to me?" Clyde pouted.

Craig chuckled. "Because your an ass Clyde."

"Whatever Craig! So what should we do Tweek?" Clyde asked.

"Well how about we have a bake sale? We can make sweets since everyone loves sweets!" Tweek smiled.

Everyone nodded their heads and agreed. "Sounds good to me. We can just buy the stuff from the grocery store right?" Clyde asked. "Well actually, I think we should make the stuff."

The four looked at Tweek with wide eyes. "Yeah, that's not gonna happen." Craig said.

"Why not?"

"First I'm not a fucking chef, and two, I can't cook for shit." Craig said sternly.

"Calm down Craig. Don't ague with your man, and I actually agree because I can't cook either!" Clyde joked.

Craig kicked Clyde's foot from under his seat and Clyde silently shouted in pain. "I think the idea is great! Don't you agree Kenny?" Butters placed his hand on Kenny's shoulder. "Sounds good to me!" Kenny agreed. Tweek looked at Craig and Clyde. "Come on guys! Please?" Tweek pouted. "Fine." The two agreed.

The bell rang, and it was finally the end of the day. "Everyone tell me what your team is going to do on the way out!" Ms.Chokesondik said. Everyone got up from the table, and went to Ms.Chokesondik. "We are going to be doing a bake sale!" Tweek said. "Really? Good choice boys. Good luck!"

Everyone went their separate ways, and that left Tweek and Craig. It was awkward silence, so Craig tried to make a conversation. "So, are you excited about the bake sale?"

"Yea! I can't wait to see what you guys make!"

"Don't be mad if shit burns though."

"Come on, you can do it! And if you need help you can always give me a call." Tweek gave Craig a smile, and Craig returned it.

"I will."

"Oh crap! I should be getting home soon. Bye Craig!" Craig stayed in the exact spot until Tweek wasn't seen anymore. Ugh, seriously how is he doing this to me? I hardly ever apologize to people but yet I apologized to him so easily today.

"Yo Craig!"

"Oh, hey Clyde."

"So where did Tweek go? Don't tell me you scared him off.."

Craig flipped Clyde off. "Nope. He said he had to go in a hurry."

"Ah. By the way, do you know this thing about days Tweek is doing?"

"No, why?"

"Kenny was saying something about 8 days left while you were in the bathroom."

"Well that's weird. I wonder what he's doing."

"Same here! Maybe we should ask him tomorrow?"

"Yea, sounds like a plan. And stop saying things about me liking Tweek when I don't!"

"Oh Craig, I'm only doing what the readers want." Clyde winked.

Ah, Clyde always breaking the fourth wall in my stories XD

How do you guys think Tweek will react when Clyde and Craig ask about the days?

Do you think Craig Is falling for Tweek?

Hope you liked this chapter! :)

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