Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Bella POV

Jane, Alec and I were out in the forest near by the castle. I still wanted to be a Vegetarian vampire, because I could never get myself to hurt a human being. When its feeding time at the castle. I would hide out in the forest or in town, so I could not hear those innocent people scream before there blood gets drained, by my family. That thought made me shudder.

Right now, we were in a meadow, laying in the green grass, looking up at the clouds. I had Alec to my right and Jane to my left. In the short time I've been here, Jane and Alec have became my best friends. "Look at that cloud! It looks like a boat." I said lifting up my right arm to point at the boat shaped cloud.

"It looks like a cloud. Not a boat." Said Jane, confused. Alec nodded in agreement.

"You have to use your imagination, if you look at it a certain way you can see a shape in the clouds. It must suck not being able to have fun and just have to stand around and kill the bad vampires." I said sitting up. They both did as well.

"Well, we have gotten use to it, since we lived here since your father and Uncles found us after almost burning to death and that was forever ago." said Alec. Edward told me everything about the members of the Volturi, so that I could know my enemy, but I found each of their lives interesting.

"Well, I should teach you guys how to have fun. So first, lets see what thing we could make clouds look like." We spent some time on this, but they got a hang of it after a few hours.

It was getting late so we ran home to the castle. When we got to the castle, we walked straight to the throne room.

"Hello Father , Hello Uncles." I said, skipping to my throne. They all said Hello back to me.

I sat on my wonderful throne with my black wing spread behind me and my eyes yellowed with happiness. Jane sat on my right armrest and Alec stood beside me to my left. Us three were just chatting away about random stuff, when a vampire walked into the room. I knew that sent anywhere.

It was Edward.

Why is he here? Didn't he know I would visit him once a year or whenever I could.

"Why hello Edward. What a pleasure it is to see you again." Said Uncle Aro, his eyes glowed with happiness. "What can we do for you this fine evening?"

"I'm here to talk to Bella." He said looking at me. Alec growled and crouched in front of me protectively.

"Alec, back off. Let Edward speak to Bella." said Uncle Aro, in his very scary leader voice. Alec back off a bit, but stayed near me.

Edward walked closer to my throne and said. "Please Bella. Come back. I love you and need you to be with mw forever. You are me mate." I looked at Edward confused. When I was living with the Cullens I liked Edward a lot, but now I like Alec and just think of Edward as a brother, how could this be.

"But, Eddie. I don't feel the same way anymore. I don't know why. Father whats going on? Do you know?" I said. Edward looked sad.

"Edward what you need to understand is that Bella is just your singer. Your real mate is Tanya. And Bella's mate is Alec." My father explained.

Edward looked mad and then looked at Alec, my mate.

Edward pounced and something projected out of my body and I blacked out.

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile I had a little writers block.

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