No more games

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Chapter 9

Katerina couldn't grasp what she was staring at, it chilled her deep to the marrow in her bones and gripped her heart, staining her soul. He was gone. Hank was gone. Dead at the hands of Viktor. She was now the owner of the shop and the owner of The Rosemary. How could such a small box cause so much chaos and death? Had she not have went to that club, she wouldn't have run into Viktor, would that mean Hank would be alive still? Was his death her fault some how, on some sort of twisted and blurred line?

What could she do. How long would she be fighting for her life as well as the safety of the human race? Would she be old in age, still being tormented by the master manipulator? God, she hoped not. She hoped that he had located the...Coven before his untimely death. Poor Mr. Henderson. He suffered so horribly. He ran his entire life and what did he get out of it? Death. Is that her future now?

Katerina felt this overwhelming need to revenge his death. She quickly got dressed and threw her hair up into a lazy bun and shut the door behind her, gabbing her keys from the purse that draped over her shoulder and climbed into Baby Girl. She drove in a daze, never paying attention to what was in front of her or behind her. All she could think about was fire. Ash. That stench. His screams. A lone tear slid down her rosy cheek as she pulled into her parking place and shifted the car into park. She swiped the tear away and exited the vehicle with haste, sliding the key into the store and going straight to Hank's office...her office.

She scanned his book shelves, his personal collection, for anything she could soak information from. She didn't see anything and with a long sigh, she made her way back to the supernatural section. The smell of sulfur was thick, suffocating. Her brows pinched together in confusion, her feet shuffling toward the smell. Closer. Closer.

Her gaze landed on a book, leather bound and had the same symbol as the one Hank had wrote about his encounters. She picked it up, opening it and as she did, this horrid stench hit her sense of smell. Quickly, she turned to the first page.

The Deal with the Demon, Blithe, and the Hell Hounds.

Hell Hounds? Demon deals? Katerina was completely baffled and had no choice but to keep reading. She turned to the next page and soaked in everything.

" In the year 1300 AD, Hell Hounds were bargained for by Viktor Penetil. The Demon Blithe' would only let Viktor barter for the Hellish Hounds if Viktor could give him something in return. It truly was a devilish deal. Viktor was to give this Demon a Vessel to possess so that he could wreck havoc upon the earth. So he could cause more humans to fall from grace and into sin. He wanted to spread darkness about the human race. And it couldn't be just any Vessel. It had to be one who had just backslid from God. Irony. And apart from finding a Vessel, Viktor had to send three souls a day down to Hell. This was the only way Blithe would give up the strongest, cruelest, well trained Hounds.

Viktor didn't contest the deal. He eagerly agreed to it knowing that he would come to need the Hounds for many things.

If you're an unbeliever of all things Supernatural or you're just now finding out that there are things that lurk in the shadows, in the wind, in your dreams, I urge you to read my other book. And Kat, if you're reading this, go to my office and get in my desk, you'll find all of your answers there. Take care of it and of yourself, Kat."

Katerina couldn't believe her eyes. How had...did he...this isn't possible. How is this possible? She firmly closed the book shut and slid the book back into place. Her mind reeling from Hell Hounds, Demon deals, Viktor and Hank. Rubbing her face with her hands, she couldn't wrap her mind around it all. Everything was becoming more and more complicated. She had just learned Vampires and Witches were real and now she finds out that deals can be made with Demons. How many of them are walking the earth wearing a human as a disguise? How many people made deals for power or financial gain? The world was becoming an evil place and the people in it.

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