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"Names Chris by the way." You heard him say slyly.

"I know. I suppose you know me as well." You mutter under your breath and he gave a chuckle "(Name) wasn't it?" You smiled at him.

"Yup." Was your only reply.

You turned around and began jotting down notes that Mrs.Gold was writing on the board. You let a smile cross your lips as she turned to you and gave a quick wink full of playfulness.

Mrs.Gold. Though you know little about this teacher you could tell she was sweet. Not only that but had good looks too. Her hair was long and a chocolate curly brown, eyes was the hazelnut color, skin tan and slick, and her body was curvy.

When the bell rang Mrs.Gold called you over to her desk. She started out with an average question of how you was and your information. You and her got along well already. It was good because Mrs.Gold was the type of woman who enjoyed having class pets.

After talking for a few the bell rang causing you to tell her goodbye and dash to your next class. But in the process you bumped into someone causing them to stumble back but luckily you caught their hand and was able to pull them back to their feet. They flashed a smile to you.

"Sorry. I should've been watching my path." The girl said with a heavy accent.

"No it's my fault. I shouldn't have been running anyhow." You say apologizing for the bump into situation.

"Might I ask why you're in a hurry?" She asked and you answered quickly, "Im late for class and I have no idea where it is." She smiled.

"I can help. Lemme see." She says and you showed her the paper causing her to smile widely.

"You're in the same class as me. I am heading that way now." She said which caused you to grin sheepishly.

"Thanks. Oh, my names (Name) by the way." You say as you two walk down the hallway.

"Sheva." She says and you two shook hands.

You was so glad to have bumped into this girl. If not you probably would've been called or something. That'd be embarrassing for you. When you got to the room you reproduced yourself then the teacher told you who he was.

Your teacher was mister Layne who was a strict teacher but loved to take up time by talking about experiences he had in the past. You was told to take a seat next to Sheva. Lucky you. On the other side of you was Chris.

Lucky again. Turned out that Sheva and Chris were friends as well. This means that you three would probably talk up a storm. When this period was over you and Chris decided to head to the next class together while Sheva headed to her next class alone. You two chatted along the way and you found out the Chris had a sister which didn't surprise you because he seemed to talk with ease and a little gentle.

Careful not to say the wrong thing. You walked into your next class and since the teacher was writing on the board decided to go introduce yourself.

"Hi. Um..I'm (First Name) (Last Name)." You start awkwardly and the teacher turned with a smile.

"Hello miss (Last Name). You can call me Ramzie." He says holding out his hand. You shook it and smiled.

"You can take a seat by that fine gentleman over there in the corner." He points to a boy with blond hair and you nodded before taking off to your seat.

You was no where near Chris or Rebecca so you had a bad feeling. Instead you was behind a blonde girl and beside that boy. The air got thick when you passed the girl and sat in the seat. You began to pull out something when the boy spoke to you.

"Won't need that." He stated flatly and you raised a brow.

"Why not?" You asked and he turned to you. Eyes locking with yours.

"Ramzie lets us do group work. Computer and no paper." He says with a smirk and you zipped your backpack up.

"Thanks." You mutter lowly.

"Your the new kid right?" He asked and you turned to him.

"Yeah." You flash a smile after speaking.

"Names Leon." He held out his hand and you took it.

"(Name)." You two shook before letting your hand fall.

The teacher cleared his throat causing the room to go silent. He smiled and grabbed a piece of paper on his desk.

"I've made up teams for this weeks group-work. You'll be working with one another for the whole week. Complaints are not allowed but I will take your words into thought. Switching if necessary. Group one.." He went on down the list until it came to you.

"Chris, (Name), Rebecca, Jill, and Josh. Leader of the group will be (Name)." He said loud and clear.

You watched as the called students got up and looked to you. They all made their way to you while he continued with his list. You watched as Leon got up after hearing his name and flashed a smile to you.

"Good luck. I'll see ya around?" He says with a smile.

"Yeah. And good luck to you too." You say giving him a wink.

The girl who sat in front of you wrapped her arm around Leon's and glared at you.

"Come on Leon. We got work to do. Don't wanna waste our time on newbies," she says holding her glare to yours.

"Ashley go on somewhere. No one wants to deal with you." The girl known as Jill growled under her breath.

"Oh lookie who's talkin now. You better go on Jill. Before I really do mash you into a Jill Sandwich." She says snobbishness dripping from her tongue.

"You little br-" Jill was grabbed by Josh when she tried to make a move.

"Just leave already!" Jill glared and Ashley's eyes turned to you.

"Better watch yourself. Don't wanna get involved with the WRONG people." She said with a smirk.

"Hey! You better watch who you make those threats too. Now get outta here would ya? We don't waste our time on snobby brats." Rebecca said stepping in front of you.

Ashley laughed before walking away with Leon. So this was the girl everyone saw as a hottie? Wow. What a loss of taste.

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