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Wow. What a loss of taste.

You couldn't believe what happened. You was left staring into space. Rebecca smiled at you and laid a hand on your shoulder.

"You okay?" She asked and you have a quick nod.

"I hate that brat." You heard Jill utter out of annoyance.

You turned to her and dared to ask, "Who exactly is she again?" They all stared at you.

"Ashley? By far the most popular girl in school by now. She is also the slut of the school." Jill crossed her arms as she said this.

"Sleeps with any and every guy. Any guy she wants that is." Chris stated as he looked to Josh who only nodded in agreement.

"She's only popular because of that. And the fact that she's rich." Rebecca stated with a look of disgust on her face. "She's a daddy's girl. Anything she wants she gets." She stated as she did an impression of Ashley's voice but due to her voice being high pitched she failed and made herself sound like a crybaby.

You looked back to the girl who was hugging up on Leon. A look of disgust passing over your face. You turned to them and crossed your arms.

"What's the history with Leon?" You asked slightly annoyed.

"Leon? He's one of those fuck boys nobody likes. I will admit he's cool but.." Chris stated as he waved his hand.

"And you're not?" Jill questions him and Josh snickered.

"Him and Ash dated but he got sick of her begging him to do sexual stuff with her and dumped her. He got with a girl named Ada but she moved away and dumped him. Now Ash is desperate to get with him. He's a great guy but like Chris said before..he's a man of the ladies. Though I will say I'm surprised he's a-" she paused and covered her mouth.

You was confused as why she did this but ignored it.

"I'll get the computer. We're behind on starting our work." Josh says with a smile. You nod to him "Yeah that'd be great." You say smiling.

"I'll start on the subject. We'll mark out chemicals for this. Rebecca I'll need your help." Jill says and Rebecca nodded "Right!" She says as her and Jill head over to Josh who was now sitting in a desk.

"Chris and you can do the mixing when we head to the lab tomorrow. We'll help of course but.." Rebecca says to you and you smiled "I got you." You say and she laughed.


You was walking with Jill and the others to the lunch room so you could get your tray and head to one of the tables outside. You let a sigh escape your lips and Sherry wrapped her arm around you with a grin.

"Ya know I heard you was lookin for a job." She started out with a cheerful tone.

"Um..yes?" You say unsure of where she was getting at.

"Well lucky for you I just so happen to know where you can work! My dad owns a shop downtown. We sell cool stuff like skateboards and shirts. Stuff like that." She says as she motions her hand.

"That'd be great. When can I start?" You say with a smile and she giggled.

"Whenever you're ready! Tomorrow sound great to you?" She asked and you nodded before walking into the cafeteria.

You all got a tray and headed outside to one of the tables. You sat down and everyone did the same. You watched as Jake stole an apple of Chris's tray and smirked at the boy.

"I'll take that." He says as he sat on the table beside his girlfriend.

"Jake give it back to him. Did you not already eat?" Sherry says as she reached for the apple.

"Yeah. I'll give it back if I can have yours." He says with a chuckle.

"Of course. Now here!" She snatched the apple from his hand and handed it to Chris.

"CHRIS!!" Came a cheerful voice from behind.

Within seconds Chris was tackled to the ground! A cheerful girl had him on his stomach with her foot on his back. She smiled wide and called him a weakling.

You couldn't help but burst out laughing. Rebecca smiled at the two. You knew this had to be his sister. No doubt.

"Who's she?" The redhead asked as she got off her brother and grabbed her brothers apple.

"That's (Name). She's new. And are you serious!" Chris says as he glared at the apple in his sisters hand.

"Hello! I'm Claire. Chris's little sister." She says waving with the apple in her hand.

You waved back at her and then continued eating your food. When you had finished you took your tray and sat back down with the others. You all talked and you had gotten to know everyone already. Despite what had happened earlier today you was having a blast.


When you got home the first thing you did was tell your mom about your day in which her response was what you had expected. When you finished your homework you ran upstairs to take a shower then go to bed. You couldn't even wait for tomorrow no more.

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