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And slammed her hand on your paper. Cute.

You looked up in annoyance at the blonde. And with a blank tone you asked, "May I help you?"

She glared "Yes. You can stay away from MY Leon." She spat and you nearly scoffed.

"That's nice now if you'll do kindly as to getting your fucking dirty hand off my paper." You say with a growl and she smirked.

"What are you gonna do if I don't?" She dared to ask that question and your blood boiled.

"Well I'm going to kindly move it off. I'm not going to do anything to you because I don't want to end up working at a gas station where I'll find you in the years." You say and heard a gasp come from her as she jerked her hand back to cover her mouth.

"Oh no you didn't." She growled. Oh yes you did.

"Thanks. Now do me a favor and scram like the bug you are." You say motioning your hand onward.

"This isn't over!" She barked as she turned on her heel.

"You're right. It's FAR from over." You whispered with a glare to her back.

Chris knuckle bumped you and flashed a wide smile.

"Way to stick up for yourself." He says and you laugh before shaking your head "She asked for it." You stated clearly and he nodded.

The bell rang and everyone turned in their work before leaving. You was surprised to see Sheva waiting for you two by the door with a smile on her face.

"Check this out." She says holding up a piece of paper.

"A Halloween costume? Oh yeah, I forgot it was October." Chris scratched the back of his head and Sheva gave a slight nod.

"Kewl. When is it?" You asked grabbing the paper from Chris.

"Day before Halloween. I thought at least you'd be interested so I rushed down here to show you." She says as she scratched her cheek with a blush.

"Thanks. I sure am interested. Nothing like showing off your legs and chest!" You joked and Chris snorted.

"Yeah. Did you see that dress code was maxed out due to student vote?! That's crazy!" Sheva pointed out on the paper.

"Wow. Even more exciting!" You say as you make a face which caused Sheva to let out a giggle.

"Anyhow what're you guys being?" She asked with a cheerful smile.

"Well...I don't have a clue." You answer honestly.

"Same here. But you better take advantage to this. This will probably be the only year this shit is allowed." Chris says truthfully.

"Agreed. I believe my mom is letting me wear her old outfit for when she had the spooks." Sheva stated making a face.

You told Chris that he should be something similar to Sheva's outfit but the boy disagreed kindly and you couldn't help but feel bad. Not only was Sheva's outfit going to look weird but it was probably gonna be the only odd costume out. Hopefully though her outfit matched someone's costume. It'd put you at ease that's for sure.

You three made your way into class and from there you spent most the time coming up with ideas. You suggested that Chris be a police man but he again said no to that so you came up with something better. You suggested him being one of them heavy metal boys that you saw on a movie once. He finally agreed that but you highly doubted him.

When the bell rang you and Chris said goodbye to Sheva before walking to your next class where you met up with your group. Today was the day you and Chris got hands-on. So you was ready to listen and think. When you two got in the lab you shoved gloves o and put your goggles on. Rebecca then did the same with a smile plastered on her face.

"Okay so we need to mix these chemicals together." She stated as she pointed to the paper below her.

"Alright. Easy enough." You stated as you began.

After what seemed like hours your group had finished. The teacher confirmed your liquid and gave a quick check to his book. You took off your gloves and pulled down your goggles before letting out a sigh.

"So what's this about you tellin Ashely she was gonna end up working at a gas station?" Rebecca asked as she did the same.

"She pissed me off so I basically told her to fuck off." You stated and she smiled.

"Sounds like you. I'm shocked you did it though. A lot of girls would of went and cried." She says honesty holding her words.

"I know. But I'm not them." You say turning around on your heel.


Lunch finally came and you was sitting at the same table with your friends. You'd rather not think of what happened today with Ashley. You was listening to Claire and Sherry tell their story about what happened in their class. It was very amusing.

"And that's how we simply got into trouble." Claire finished with a grin.

"My girlfriend starting trouble? Nah. I don't believe it." Jake stated with a grin.

"Well I did! And it felt great!" Sherry says making her way to Jake.

"I bet. Keep in mind though, I'm the trouble maker in this relationship." He says bringing her in for a kiss.

"Ugh! Rated R! Rated R!" Claire says hiding her eyes.

"Sorry.." Sherry whispered with a blush.

"You two seem like a perfect'd you meet?" Sheva asked with a warm smile.

"Long story." Sherry says with a giggle.

"Yeah long story alright." Chris muttered with a smirk.

"Hey you guys! Do keep in mind there are people tryin to eat in peace!" Rebecca complains as she crossed her arms.

"Awe you don't like the kissie-kissie tell an tell?" Claire asked bringing her face to Rebecca's.

"Ugh-No!" She shoved the girl from her face and Claire laughed.

"One day she's gonna kiss you and then you're really gonna have nightmares Rebecca." Chris stated with a small smile.

"Gross!" Me and Rebecca say at the same time.

"Guys! I'm not that bad looking!" Claire complained.

"Maybe not but I don't plan on hoping on the gay train. I don't have a problem with gays but I'm not gay." Rebecca stated and I laughed.

"Look like it." I snort and she hit my arm.

"Shut it!" She growled and I kept laughing at her.

Good times. Good times indeed.


Hi guys! Just wanted to say I was NOT meaning anything offensive towards gays. XC
Just thought I should give you guys a quick heads up!(:

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