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May 7th, Friday 10:38 am

Zealia's POV

I'm hungry

That's all I can think of as I open my eyes. The sun is up, it was probably waiting for me to get up too. I look down at myself.

 Same blue hoodie with the same blue jeans and the same old white shoes.  

My stomach started making funny noises. I got off of the park bench that had been my bed for the night and headed for the corner store down the street. As I walked I passed a little girl with her mother. I put my hood over my head and walked faster. I don't really like people.

When I made it to the corner store I headed straight for the back where I knew no one would be. I grabbed some chips and a soda and stuffed them inside my hoodie pocket. 'Maybe he won't notice me this time.' I thought to myself. I don't know why, but every time I want some food, this guy gets mad when I come get it. I think he doesn't like me.

"HEY! Where do you think your going with that stuff!?" he said. Here we go again.

I dropped the soda and ran. He followed me outside and started throwing rocks. That made me run even faster. Running's what I do best. When a man tried to grab my hand and take me in his car, I ran. And when the lady asked me what I was doing out of school, I ran. Running has been my way of not talking. And I really don't like talking.

I ran and ran until I couldn't tell where I was anymore. I tried finding a street sign, then BAM.

I ran right into someone and fell on the ground. I hope they don't talk to me.

"Excuse you!" the boy said. I looked up to get a better look at him. He had curly hair like mines and was wearing gold chains around his neck. He had on a white t-shirt with black jeans and white and black shoes that I've seen on magazines in the trash. When I looked at him I felt something in my stomach. Something different than hunger.

"Are you going to apologize?" said a girl standing next to him. She had straight, blonde hair that went down her back. She was wearing a white V-neck with a white skirt and white flip-flops. She looked mean. I don't think I like her.

 "Helloooo. Earth to dirty hobo girl." the girl said. I know she did not just call me that.

"Hannah, you don't have to be mean to her, she wasn't looking." the boy said. Yeah, he better get her.

"I don't care Jacob! She should have looked where she was going. And she is dirty. Look! She has dried blood on her forehead!" Hannah laughed. I guess I did get hit with a rock earlier.

"That's not funny." he said giving her a mean look. I stuck my tongue out at her. She looked at me like I slapped her. "Bitch! What are you, three?" Hannah said. If she keeps this up then I'm gonna throw a rock at her ass.

"Are you here for the roommate position?" Jacob said. Roommate? "What's a roommate?" I said

"OMG! She doesn't even know what a roommate is! Dirty and stupid I see." Hannah said. This bitch got one more time.

"You know, a person to live with us and help cook and clean. Normally you'd have to help pay rent but we just need help cooking and cleaning. You want to apply?" Jacob said. Hmm. I guess I do need a place to sleep.

"Yes." I said. "Like I'd say yes to you." Hannah said. "Hannah shut up. What's wrong with you today? Stop acting bitchy and go question the other appliers." Jacob said. Hannah's face dropped. "Fine." she said. She flipped her hair and walked over to a group of other people. About time she left.

"So, what's your name?" Jacob said, calling my attention back to him.

Jacobs POV

"Zealia" she said. I smiled to myself. Zealia was around 5'4 with long curly black hair that looked like it hadn't been washed for a long time. She had a little darker than a caramel complexion with big brown eyes, full lips, and freckles on her cheeks and nose. Gorgeous. The clothes she was wearing were dirty and a little ripped. You could tell she didn't have anywhere to live.

"Do you know how to cook and clean?" I asked. She looked like she was scared to answer. "Yes" she said finally. "Okay. How old are you?" I asked. I wonder why she's so afraid to talk. "Seventeen" she replied. "I'm one year older than you" I said. "Okay" she said. Very short answers won't get her very far.

"What high school do you go to?" I asked. "Umm.. I don't go to one of those." she answered. Maybe she just moved down here. "Well, we'll set that up if we pick you. Do your parents know you want to live here?" She took a while to reply, like she was in deep thought about what I asked.


Zealia's POV

I snapped my head in Hannah's direction. Something in my stomach made me feel bad. Every one was looking at me and laughing at what Hannah said. Time to run I guess. I tried to run past Hannah but she stuck her foot in front of my foot. SMACK. My head hit something hard and cold. I looked up to see a rock. This can't be good.

"Zealia!" I heard Jacob yell. "Oh so what are you, Captain save a hoe?" Hannah said. "What the fuck is wrong with you? She didn't do anything to you Hannah, so why are you messing with her? This shit has to stop now!" Jacob said. I could tell Hannah was surprised by his tone. "Well it's not like she's gonna be living here or anything so calm down Jacob! I already know who is!" she said. "Yeah? Well I do to." Jacob replied. "Great. So get his room ready." So much for having somewhere to sleep tonight. Maybe that bench isn't taken yet.

"Don't you mean Zealia's room?" Jacob said. "What?!" she yelled.

That's when it all went black.



This is my first story!! I supaah happy that I came up with this!

I just want to know a few things

1) How do you feel about Hannah?

2) How do you feel about Zealia?

3) What do you think happened to Zealia's parents?

4) How do you think Zealia should have acted when Hannah put her on blast like that?

Please like and comment and vote and all that good good :)

I update almost every night :)

byee baybeees~~C.fry

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