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May 7th, Friday 8:05 pm

Zealia's POV

I woke up in a room I didn't recognize.

The walls are painted sky blue and all the furniture is white. The bed that I'm laying on has a white blanket on it with blue and black pillows. 'Where the hell am I?'

Then it hit me. Jacob said I could live here. I can't help but to smile harder than I ever have before. Looks like I won't need that park bench after all.

My smile soon left my face after Jacob walked in the room. I don't know why, but he makes my stomach feel bubbly when I see him. Maybe I'm getting sick.

"I see you're up" he said as he sat down beside me on the bed. "Yeah, I am." I replied. The most awkward silence ever was happening until I heard a door slam closed.

"Jacob! Where are you? That bitch better not be in my house!" I heard Hannah yell. The fuck is her problem?

She opened the door with a angry expression on her face. Her eyes landed on me, then she glared at Jacob evilly. "Hannah we'll talk about this later. I'm tying to make sure Zealia is okay." Jacob said, clearly getting annoyed with her. "No! We can talk about how you embarrassed me in front of those people, went against my choice, and let this dirty hobo slut in our house right now!" she said. Lord Jesus give me strength not to chop her in her thick ass neck right now.

"Hannah! I'm sick of your stank ass attitude today! Go sit your ass in the living room until I get down there!" Jacob yelled. Hannah's faced dropped for the second time today and she stormed bck down the stairs. Guess he shut her up.

Jacob turned to me. "Sorry about her. I don't know what's wrong with her today." he said. "It's okay" I lied. This bitch really testing me. "Tomorrow we can go shopping for clothes so you can fill up your closet space. And I'll have my mom call the school and enroll you. For now you can shower in your bathroom right there." he pointed to a room on the other side of my room. "And you can dress in these." he said as he handed me a white t-shirt, some basketball shorts, and a pair of girls underwear. "Where'd you get this from?" I asked holding up the underwear. "Hannah keeps a pack of them in the closet for when she messes a pair up while on her period. I just grabbed a pair and gave them to you. Is that all right?" he said. I just nodded my head. I didn't feel like talking anymore.  

"Alright then. I'll leave you to get settled. Dinner will be ready in about a hour." he said. "Okay, bye." I said. He nodded and walked out the door while closing it.

 Once he left I went in the bathroom to find a shower with blue and white curtains, blue rugs on the floor, a giant mirror, and of course, a toilet. I undressed and stepped into the shower to find blue liquid soap from a place named bath and body works. 'Mmm, smells like berries' I thought to myself. I looked down to find a knob with blue on one side and red on the other. I turned it down and water hit my face and body at the perfect temperature. I turned around to see a blue wash cloth on a hook.

I turned to my side and found a bottle of blueberry shampoo and conditioner. 'My hair does look kind of dirty' I thought while grabbing the bottles. After shampooing and conditioning my hair, I hopped out the shower feeling the cleaner than I ever was before.

Maybe living here won't be so bad.

Jacob's POV

Hannah was yelling down my throat about how Zealia was a terrible roommate and how stupid I was for picking her. She has been getting on my very last nerve with all this yelling and mean shit lately.  She wants to be a mean girl extra so bad.

I was still tuning Hannah out when Zealia came down the stairs looking like an angel straight from heaven. My eyes couldn't leave her as she walked down the steps with a calm look resting on her face. Her hair looked fresh and even curlier than before. Beautiful.

"Listen to me when I'm talking to you! Stop staring at that bitch before I cut the both of y'all Jacob!" Hannah yelled in my ear. Let me ignore her before I throw her ass out.

I watched as Zealia grabbed her dinner plate from the table and walked back upstairs, not glancing at me or Hannah once. 'Why is she so shy?' I asked myself. I'll have to ask her about that later.

"JACOB! Listen to me when I'm talking to you! I don't like that bitch living her so get her the fuck out!" Hannah yelled. That's it.

"Hannah. For the love of god shut the fuck up! She's not leaving, and I don't care if you like it or not. And you better stop calling her a bitch before she beats your ass. Good night." I said, and left her ass in the living room with her mouth wide open.

God give me strength.



Zealia is handling her anger pretty well ( for now)

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Peace out~ C.fry

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