Chapter 3; Debut

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Hey everyone! It's Sparks again, I know this story has only been up a day or so, but I do have five chapters done, plus I'm working on my sixth. I'm hoping to have it out and done ASAP though, so for all the readers that seem to be enjoying this so far, you'll all have your update soon!

I just want to remind everyone that Italics are Galex-- The native language of the people of Galexia as well as anything off the TV, Phone calls, Flashbacks, Radio stations ect, bold and italics are emphasis, , Data-Cable-Communications and other languages aside from english.

That's all for now!



If there was one thing Harley Garet didn't like, it wasn't getting the respect she deserved and being humiliated in front of people that, in her mind, should be giving her every ounce of respect.

Raven Phoenix and her robots. Were prime examples of what she hates.

They were ungrateful, self entitled, selfish, soulless machines and Harley Garet didn't understand why the President of the United States of America thought it would be a good idea to give them full citizenship, 'birth' records -- one for when they were legitimately 'created' and one for their creation date to follow their 'man made robots' story. It was ridiculous! They didn't have feelings, they didn't have souls, they didn't feel pain-- Raven herself was a prime example of that.

However. Watching the titan speak with, and converse civilly with said President only made the hate Harley harbored for the mechanoids grow. It was faking it's harmlessness. Harley knew for a fact if it wanted to, Raven could easily destroy this place and bring the dam above them down on their head.

Yet for some reason, the fact Harley held the detonator to its other robots in her possession at all times kept the warrior in line. Something about the other robots kept the god like titan in line. Harley knew people like that, ready to burn the world for those they held dear, but willing to fake being civilly for the sake of their safety.

But this thing. This waste of space, this-- this hunk of scrap metal, was managing to fake every emotion that made humans human. It seemed to have the perfect understand of all the emotions, and how to perfectly execute and express all of the emotions that, in Harley's mind, separate Humans from robots.

Robots were mindless, emotionless machines meant to follow orders and do as they were told.

They weren't suppose to have free will.

Yet, here was this titanic machine proving Harley wrong, and showing her all the disrespect. Harley had practically clawed her way up to being head of Area 61, she had earned all the respect she deserved and now she was being thrown down her ladder of success because Raven was making merry conversation with the President of the United States.

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