Chapter 6

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*annoying apple ring tone*
I really need to change my ring tone. I true off my alarm and of downstairs.

"Dad what school am I going to" I ask
"Well since you didn't want to change schools I'm gonna keep you in the same" he says not looking away from the TV
"Okay" I say and smile while running back up the steps

I run a shower while I pick out my outfit for today. I pick out some acid washed jeans and a California flowly T-shirt crop top, but its the kind of crop top that doesn't show your stomach unless you hold up your hands. (A/n this is what im wearing right now) I sit that on the counter in my bathroom, tie up my hair and hop into the COLD shower.

"Why can to ever get this right" I say to my self and turn up the water.
Once the water is at the right temperature I shower.

I get out the shower, dry off and get dressed. I undo my hair and see I have spair time so I brush my hair and curl the ends into ring curls. After separating some of the curls and making them perfect and non-ugly I turn off my curling iron brush my teeth and go back out to my room. I sit down at my makeup table and start on my makeup. Concealer bronzer line winged eye liner and mascara I also fill in my eyebrows. I never wear blush cause my cheeks are naturally blushed and I hate it. I put on my glasses so I'm not blind and slip on my red converse. I grab my gray jansport backpack and walk to school.

I feel someone grab my hand and I jumped like when and cat gets scared.
"Calm down" Cameron laughs really loud
"Shut up" I say and slap his chest witch didn't really phase just made him laugh harder
"You hit like a girl" he says
"Newflash I am a girl" I say
"You look beautiful" he says
"Thank you so do you" I say on purpose
"I look beautiful" he says
"Very beautiful" I say in a baby voice while trying to make a ugly baby face
"Even when you try to make a ugly face your still cute" he says
"Ew no" I say we walk in a silence after that but a comfortable silence
Then I start to think......
"You know if we got married both of us will be c/Kameron Dallas" I say
"I like how you think about us getting married" he says and smirks
"Shut up its true" I say
"Well maybe it should happen" he says and kisses my cheek. I blush and flip my hair so that he can't see my face.
"You look cute when you blush" he says and flips my hair back into its middle part
"You know how it make me smile don't ya" I say and smile a cheesy smile
"Not like that" he says and laughs showing his beautiful teeth
"WOAH" Cameron yells out of no where making me jump
"Oh my god shutup" I say Cameron laughs
"Its okay" he says and kisses my cheek again
"Damn you've kissed me like 10 times" I say and laugh
"I kissed you twice. Twice" he says and hold up 2 fingers
"Same thing" I say
"No its really not" he says
"By the way I love your makeup bit you look prettier without it" he says and pokes my belly
"Damn abs or Nah" he says and pokes my belly again
"Fat or Nah" I say and poke my belly
"Your not fat" he says
" but you are" I say and poke his belly
"Hey" he says and lefts up his shirt flexing his 8 pack
"Guess I am fat" he says and hits his abs
"Yup" I say and punch his stomach with the side of my fist making him bend over and I guess yelp but it was more like a groan
"What" I say and stop walking
"You punch pretty hard" he says and rubs his belly

At school

We get into school and I let of of Cameron's hand. He pouts.
"Go to nash and them" I say
"No I wanna be with you" he says and grabs my hand again
"Their staring" I say
"Well they can stare if they want" he says and glares at them
"Cameron please go hang out with them" I say
"Your not gonna be popular anymore if your with me" I say and pull my hand away
"Do you think I care" he ask
"No but I do" I say
"Why" he says
"Just go Cameron stop being stubborn" I say he looks at me sad and walks over to them. I see Nash send a glare at me then him and his little "crue" suck cameron in and start talking to him. I sigh and walk to my locker. I put my stuff in my locker and take my books out going to my first class. My first class art has Taylor, Shawn and Aaron in it. I go into class and sit in my seat all the way in the back corner. I actually like it back here.

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