All I Want

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Author's Note
I made this account about a month ago but I didn't bother to publish anything lol so here's a short story about you and Percy breaking up. Listen to Mia Wray's cover of "All I Want" by Kodaline to get more into the mood (which I included). If you enjoyed, please vote, comment, add, and follow!

All I want is nothing more

    Percy was having second thoughts. Why did he do that? Why did he have to hurt her?

To hear you knocking at my door

    He broke up with (Y/N) after 2 years of being together. He didn't want to, it was for the best. He didn't want her to get involved with his problems of being a demigod. If worse came to worse, she could possibly die.

'Cause if I could see your face once more
I could die a happy man I'm sure

    Percy missed her so much. He missed her delicate laugh and the way she smiled every time he made her happy. He missed her warm hugs and kisses that made his heart flutter. He missed how her eyes sparkle when she was excited, even over the little things. And maybe most of all, he missed how his hands intertwined with hers like a matching puzzle piece. He was regretting his decision more and more every day.

When you said your last goodbye
I died a little bit inside

    (Y/N) was also having a hard time getting over the sudden break up. It had been two weeks since then. No interaction happened between the two, no texts, no calls, no nothing. She wished she could turn back time to see what she did wrong.

I lay in tears in bed all night
Alone without you by my side

    She cried everyday for those two weeks. The poor girl couldn't stop the hurting in her chest. She tossed and turned in her bed, pillows containing large stains from her tears. Her room filled with her cries. She wanted Percy back desperately.

'Cause if you loved me
Why'd you leave me
Take my body, take my body

    He wished she would take him back, but he knew she wouldn't. Why would she? He broke her heart and shattered her soul. Just the memory of her saddened face after he told her what he wanted killed him. He was an awful man, an awful person that didn't deserve her love.

All I want is
And all I need is
To find somebody
I'll find somebody

    She woke up late again, luckily it was the weekend. She proceeded to do her normal routine and got changed. Her head ached from crying so much. As she was preparing some coffee, the familiar sound of her doorbell filled the house. (Y/N) walked to the door and opened it, who was in front of it made her want to cry. It was Percy.

Like youuu, ohhh, oh
Ohhhhh, ohhhhh, oh
Youuuuuu, like youuuuu

    She was panicking on the inside. Why did he come to her house? Was he trying to ruin her even more?

See you brought out the best of me
A part of me I've never seen
You took my soul and wiped it clean
Our love was made for movie screens

    He was so scared. His hands became clammy and sweaty. Percy's whole body shook with nervousness. "I'm so sorry," he spoke. "Please take me back."

'Cause if you loved me
Why'd you leave me
Take my body, take my body

    She stumbled back a bit at the surprise of his words. She must be dreaming, Percy would never take her back. Discretely, she pinched her arm hard enough to make her bleed. It wasn't a dream it confirmed.

All I want is
And all I need is
To find somebody
I'll find somebody

    And it was as if her body acted on her own, her arms wrapped around his neck. He hugged her back tightly and the two sunk to the floor. Tears flooded from both of their eyes as they cried in each other's necks. "I'm sorry," Percy said. "I'm so goddamn sorry."

Like youuu, ohhh, oh
Ohhhhh, ohhhhh, oh
Youuuuuu, like youuuuu

    And the two stayed in that position for a while, not worrying if anyone passing by saw them. They were too scared to lose each other again.

All I Want (Percy Jackson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now