Chapter One

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Sasuke had taken to walking around the neighbourhood after school. Not walking to a specific place, just- walking. It was better than going back home to an empty apartment. At first, he didn't even look around him while he was walking- he just zoned out, and moved. Somehow, the movement created this blank space in his brain where he could just not think about anything. It was...a relief.

But gradually, he started to notice just how familiar his surroundings were. He and Itachi had moved back to where they'd lived when they were younger. Sasuke didn't think he'd remembered any of it, but every now and then, he'd see a tree, or a street corner, and he'd realise that he knew this place.

And then one day he looked up, and found himself outside of his old kindergarten, and the sense of recognition, of familiarity, was so strong that he froze, and just stood there stunned at the strength of feeling washing over him. ...Naruto-sensei, he thought to himself. Yes, that was his name...of course, there's no way he'd still work here. That had been more than 10 years ago.

It was strange; Sasuke didn't have many memories of his first years of school, but he remembered this kindergarten, and Naruto-sensei. The memories stood out in his mind like sparkling-bright stars in a sea of dark sky.

It was about 4 p.m., and there were still children playing outside of the kindergarten. Sasuke didn't want to seem like a creep, but he wanted to see inside through the fence. Just for a moment, to see how things had changed. ...but, what if someone saw him? A lone teenage boy, hanging outside a childcare centre? No, he should go...

"Ah, Yuki-chan, don't cry!" came a voice, and Sasuke froze again, and turned back around. No, he thought, it can't be! "There, there, let me see..."

Sasuke's body moved of its own accord, and before he knew it he was right up against the fence, gripping the railings hard, his eyes wide. He couldn't believe it! It was Naruto-sensei, standing there surrounded by tiny children, with a sobbing little girl in his arms. His smile, thought Sasuke, oh, it's exactly the same! He hasn't changed at all!

Sasuke felt his pulse start to race. He'd spent two years at this centre, and his little chibi-self had been obsessed with Naruto-sensei. What child wouldn't be? He was so...he was so happy, all the time, and he always wanted to play, wanted to read to you, or tell you jokes, or look at your drawings. And for Sasuke, that kind of attention...

I should leave, he told himself sternly. It's not like he'd remember me-

"Sasuke-chan?" came the voice again, as he turned away. "Is it you?"

Sasuke turned back around, and found Naruto-sensei and half a dozen tiny human beings staring at him through the fence.

The blonde's smile became even brighter. "It is you, isn't it?! I'd know your face anywhere!"

Sasuke felt his cheeks start to redden and he struggled to control himself. Keep it together, you loser!

"Uh, hi," he said, stepping back to the fence. "... hi, Naruto-sensei," he went on, and saying his name out loud somehow tugged at something deep inside him. His efforts to control the heat in his cheeks failed; he was properly blushing now.

"Who is it, sensei?" asked the little girl in the blonde's arms.

"Ah! This is Sasuke-chan, he's a very important person!" Naruto-sensei explained to the children, who all accepted his word and nodded. "Oh, well, I suppose it's Sasuke-kun now, isn't it! I thought you moved away?" he said, directing his attention back to Sasuke.

"We...we moved back," Sasuke said, trying to keep his tone light. "Me and my brother."

"Itachi-chan!" Naruto said with a happy sigh. "Oh...that brings back memories!"

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