Chapter 14

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'Ouch.' I said sitting cross legged on the couch. 'Stop playing with your nose ring then.' JJ laughed. 'I'm sorry, it's so tempting!' I smiled. 'So why did you get this tattoo again?' Josh asked. 'I lost to FIFA but so did Dawn that's why she's got a tattoo.' I laughed. 'Oh, interesting.' Josh laughed sitting next to me. 'Yup.' I smiled. 'I really like this tattoo.' Dawn said admiring it. 'It suits you.' I said putting my hands in my lap. 'Simon, babe, can you get me a water?' Dawn asked. 'Sure.' Simon said getting up to go to the kitchen. 'You're so lazy.' I laughed jokingly. 'No I'm not, it's just to far and I don't like walking.' She smirked. I laughed. 'Charge your swegway then.' JJ said. 'To much effort.' She said sinking into her pillow. Simon gave her water. 'Thanks love.' She said kissing him on the cheek. I touched the piercing again. 'AHHHHHH!' I squealed falling slowly on the floor. Everyone laughed. 'Woah, did I miss something?' Harry walked in jumping on my couch piece -_- I stood up and grabbed Harry's arm trying to pull him off. 'Then I'm sitting on your lap.' I glared at him. 'Okay.' Harry smiled. 'I'm serious.' I laughed. 'I am too.' He smiled. JJ started laughing a lot. I sat on Harry's lap. 'Are you serious?' I asked him. 'Move your fat ass, Harold.' I said. 'Make me.' He smiled. 'Oh my gods.' I said standing on my socks. I grabbed a thick pillow and hit him across the face and smiled watching him fall on the ground. I sat back down. 'Come her, let me make two pigtails on your head.' I said. Harry sat on the floor infront of me.

I ruffled his hair and grabbed two tiny elastic bands. 'And then I'm doing your  make up.' Harry smiled. 'Oh god.' I laughed making a side pigtail. 'I can't wait to see this!' Dawn squealed. The elastic bands broke soon after tying them. 'Oh well, let's go to your room!' Harry said pulling me. I sat in my white and black chair (the ones the sidemen use). 'Hey guys!' Harry screamed. I smiled. 'Today I'm doing Cameron's make up, revenge.' He smirked. 'Cause she made me look like a freaking thingy thing.' He laughed I laughed too. 'Okay so first we've got the...' Harry said opening the foundation. 'Foundation.' I smiled. 'That.' He said putting some on my face. 'You didn't do it right.' I laughed. 'Does it look like I care, Cam?' He smiled. 'No.' I laughed. 'So this is I believe An eyelash paint brush.' He said taking out the mascara. 'Mascara, Harry, mascara.' I smiled. He stabbed the mascara into my eyelash. 'AH HARRY MY EYE!' I screamed. Harry laughed. I laughed too holding my eye. Soon after The make up. 'Holy crap.' I said looking at the camera. 'WHAT DID YOU DO?!' I laughed. 'To be honest, I don't actually know.' Harry laughed.

'Well that's it for this weeks episode.' Harry smiled. I moaned. 'I'm going to wash my face.' I sluggishly walked to the sink. About 1 hour of trying to get the make up off I was done. 'We're going out!' Josh said. 'Oh okayyy.' I smiled. I quickly got dressed. (Pic at top). 'Cam, hurry up!' JJ shouted. I ran down the stairs. 'Jesus guys, Cam and Dawn look so fancy.' Tobi laughed. 'We do?' I smiled. 'Yup.' Everyone replied. 'Okay, let's just go.' Dawn said fixing her dress. We finally arrived at the party. 'Hey, Oliver!' JJ said bro hugging someone. 'These is my mates.' JJ said looking at us. 'Oh Hi.' I smiled. Everyone said Hi. 'So you're the sidemen and I guess sidewoman?' Oliver asked. 'Oh, yeah.' I smiled. 'So is this your house? Well mansion?' Simon asked holding Dawns hand. 'Yeah you could say.' Oliver said putting down is red frat cup. 'How did you and JJ meet?' Vikk asked. 'We go far back, like back at year 2 or something.' He said. 'You guys want some drinks?' He asked. 'I'm good thank you.' I smiled. 'I'll take one!' Dawn shouted. 'I guess I will.' Harry said. 'Come on are you a safe girl?' He asked. 'Nope.' I said grabbing the cup from Harry and smiled. 'Cam! That's my cup.' Harry laughed. I drank from it and shrugged. 'You put her in rebel mode Oliver.' Dawn laughed. 'This place is for rebels only so it's good.' Oliver said. He walked away and went to the massive pool.

'He must be a rebel.' Josh said. 'They all are.' I smiled. 'Simon! Look a wheelbarrow, let's go take pictures for We heart it and Tumblr!!' She squealed grabbing Simons arm. Dawn sat in the wheelbarrow while Simon fake pushed and Josh took pictures. JJ was who knows where, Vik was with Tobi and Ethan and Harry and I were left alone. 'Now what?' I laughed. 'HARRY!' I said. 'Yessss?' Harry laughed. 'SWINGS!!' I grabbed his arm and pulled him. I plonked on the swing and so did Harry. I shivered and Harry felt my hand shiver. 'Are you cold?' Harry asked. 'N-no.' I smiled. 'Just asked me for my sweater.' Harry laughed. 'I will.' I smiled. Harry and I waited for the others and got drinks and just talked the whole time.

'Hey Oliver!' I called. 'Yeah, what's up?' He asked. 'Where's your bathroom?' I smiled. '4th floor 2nd door on the right.' He smiled. 'Jesus, is there a map?' I laughed. 'No.' He laughed. 'But there's an elevator.' He smiled. 'Oh thanks.' I called walking to the elevator. I clicked the button, the door opened and there was a boy making out with a blonde girl. 'Sorry.' I said walking inside. I took a glance at the girls face. Kelsey? 'Kelsey?' I asked. They stopped and she dropped from his body. 'Cameron.' She smiled. 'Who are you here with?' She smirked. 'My friends.' I crossed my arms. The doors opened. 'Carry on.' I smiled walking out. I opened the door to the bathroom and locked it. I reapplied my nude lipstick. I opened the door seeing a bunch of college guys. 'Uh excuse me.' I smiled trying to get through. 'Want to hang with us?' One asked. 'Maybe when you have shirts on.' I smiled going to the elevator. I quickly closed the doors so they couldn't get in. I walked outside. 'Hey, I'm back.' I sat down. He looked at me. 'Oh sorry, I-I thought you were a friend.' I smiled. I ran into the house. 'Dawn!' I called grabbing her shoulder. 'Heyyyh there Cammmuuu!' She said knocking a glass. 'You've had to much.' I smiled holding her. 'Where's the boys.' I asked. 'They lefttt, Zingi got sick.' She laughed. 'DAWN! We're stuck here!' I shook her. 'It's so much funn hereee.' She said dropping a glass. 'Hey Oliver!' I called. He walked over. 'What's up?' He asked. I let go of Dawn and she almost fell but Oliver held her. 'Is there a room far from downstairs that we can stay in? Our friends left.' I smiled. 'Sure, 9th floor.' He smiled. 'OH MY GOD THIS PLACE IS MASSIVE!' I said rushing Dawn to the elevator.

I pushed Dawn on the bed and she fell asleep. I tried calling Harry. 'Oh come on!' I said falling on the bed and fell asleep.

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