Chapter 17

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I woke up and stretched. I blinked at my phone, excepting to see a message from Kelsey. I switched it on, no message. 'Maybe she's done messing with me.' I smiled. I pulled my jumper over my shorts. I grabbed my phone, opened my door and walked downstairs. 'Oh,' I said looking at all the sidemen. My jaw was still sore. 'Oh, morning.' Harry smiled. 'Dawn and Simon still sleeping?' I asked bumping next to Harry. 'Yup.' He smiled passing me the orange juice. 'Thanks.' I smiled pouring some in a cup. Ethan looked at me with his eyebrows both raised and drinking some Juice. 'What?' I chuckled. 'N-nothing.' He said soon snorting juice at Harry. I stepped back laughing at Harry. 'Wait, what was so funny?' Josh asked. 'Them.' Ethan laughed. 'What's wrong with us?' Harry asked cleaning juice off him. Ethan was about to say until Dawn and Simon came down with Dawn putting her top on, when Simon saw us he quickly pushed the top down. 'What?' Dawn asked not seeing our mouths dropped open. She started blushing. 'Hi.' She smiled walking to me. 'Wow, you two sure had fun.' I laughed with Harry while drinking Juice. JJ still had their jaws open. I threw something at JJ so his mouth would close. Tobi laughed.

'Oh shut up Cam,' she laughed ,' like you and Harry haven't had sex.' She laughed. Everyone gasped and Harry spat his juice into his cup. 'Okay wait, first, so you admit Simon and you had sex and second Harry and I never had sex.' I blushed. 'Okay, both of those are true.' She laughed blushing. I put my cup in the sink. 'How's your face?' Simon asked me trying to change the topic. 'Bad.' I said. 'What happened to your cheek?' Harry asked spinning around on the stool. 'N-nothing, it's fine.' I sighed. Harry didn't know and I didn't want him knowing. Everyone raised an eyebrow at me. 'Cam?' Harry raised an eyebrow. 'What happened?' He asked. 'Like I said nothing,' I sighed. ,' Okay Mac pushed me against a locker, that's all.' I smiled. 'Cam, just tell him.' Josh said. 'It's nothing big.' I smiled walking to my room. I sat on my bed and opening my Mac. 'Lets see.' I said going on YouTube. 'I think I might watch Troye.' I smiled. I popped my earphones into my ears and huddled into my blankets. My door swung open and my eyes widened. I sat up and took the earphones out my ear. 'Hey.' I smiled at Harry. He closed the door. 'What happened yesterday?' He asked. 'Okay, that picture, Cole saw it and we fought, he punched me and ran out.' I said. He sat on the end of my bed, 'Why didn't you tell me?' He asked. 'I didn't want a fight to break out.' I sighed. 'What are you watching?' He smiled lying next to me taking my laptop. 'Troye.' I smiled moving up.

'Aren't you doing a song with him soon?' He asked. 'Yeah.' I said closing my laptop. 'Want to go for a walk tonight?' Harry asked. 'And get lost again?' I smiled up at him. 'Exactly.' Harry said walking to the door. I fixed my socks and carried on watching Troye. I took my phone out and messaged Dawn. 'Can you get me some ice cream? :)' my text said. 'Ughhhhh, you lazy cow, I'm coming now.' She replied. I smugly smiled and put my phone down. 2 minutes later she walked in and threw the ice cream tub at me. 'Thank you!' I called out smiling. She came back in and threw a plastic spoon at me. I ate my ice cream until I got a text.

Kelsey💅🏼: You're getting fat while I'm getting more pictures x

I dropped my phone and threw the ice cream at my door. 'How does she know this?' I asked shaking. 'Cam?' Ethan asked opening the door. 'What did you throw?' He asked. 'N-nothing.' I smiled. I tired to get her off my mind while I was sitting downstairs with Harry, Josh, JJ and Simon. 'How's Kelsey been?' Josh asked. 'What, oh haven't spoken to her since school.' I smiled lying. My phone lit up saying Kelsey💅🏼: one attachment.
I opened the picture. I gasped looking at the sight of me on Harry while I held his face and we were kissing. 'What?' Harry asked. 'Nothing.' I smiled.

Kelsey💅🏻: You better leave school tomorrow or this picture goes viral.

Cam🌻: How did you get this?

Kelsey💅🏻: I've got my recourses oh and if you zoom in you can see he's biting your lip x

I cleared my throat. Harry grabbed my phone. 'Harry, no, it's nothing.' I said trying to get my phone back. 'Wait she texted you 1 hour ago.' Harry looked at me. 'You lied to us.' Harry said clicking the picture. 'How'd she get this?' He asked. 'I-I don't know.' I said biting my lip. 'It's cute.' He smiled trying to make me happy. 'What are you two talking about?' JJ asked grabbing my phone. 'Woah, woah, woah.' JJ said examined the picture. 'Wait this is Harry and...' It took JJ a while to realise. 'CAM!' He laughed. I started blushing. 'Are you like grinding your hip on him?!' Jide asked. 'What? No.' I said grabbing my phone. 'She just fell.' Harry laughed. 'Really cause it looks like she was holding your face and you were holding her butt and you two were kissing.' Simon laughed. 'That never happened.' I laughed. 'Sure.' Josh laughed.

Cam🌻: So I can block you?

Kelsey💅🏻: You could if you want the picture sent now.

Cam🌻: I won't but I'll see you at school tomorrow x

Kelsey💅🏻: If you're at school tomorrow so will that picture be.

Cam🌻: fine by me people already think we had sex.

'Cam? What are you doing?' Harry asked. 'Playing her.' I smiled. 'How are you playing her?' Simon asked. 'You'll see.' I smiled. It was 3am and I went to bed ready for the next day. I woke up and got dressed (pic at top) I quickly ate a small sandwich,. And drove to school and walked out the car and slammed my lambo door shut. I grabbed my bag and walked down the halls. I smirked at Mark who was watching me. 'What are you doing?' Chad walked in front of me. 'What?' I asked. 'Acting like a skank.' He clicked his fingers looking up and down at me. I glanced at Kelsey who smiled and took her phone out. Out of no where I heard everyone's phones go off. Everyone gasped and looked at me. My eyes widened as I looked at the picture. 'OH C'MON PEOPLE LIME YOU HAVNT KISSED SOMEONE!' Chad screamed. I saw Cole throw his phone in his locker ,slam the door shut and angrily walk into the bathroom. 'Cole wait!' I said running after him.

Kelsey💅🏻: guess you couldn't play me, I'm always one step ahead x -Kelsey

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