Chapter 26

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-skip the whole waking up part-

Downstairs were Vikk,Josh, Ethan and Tobi. Harry was at Guernsey... 'Oh look, Cam's awake.' Tobi said lifting his head from his phone. 'I've been awake for a while.' I smiled. 'You sad bog's gone?' Ethan asked. 'Why would I be?' I lied. 'Cause' you two are kinda you know close.' Josh added. 'Yeah.' Vikk joined. 'Oh.' I thought. 'Besides you should loose your v-card soon with him.' Tobi said. 'What?!' My eyes widened. 'That's true.' Ethan added. 'Okay I get it, yeah I'm upset that he's gone.' I admitted. 'Now she doesn't have a cuddle buddy.' Jide came in. 'Shut up JJ!' I punched him. 'Damn, sorry..' JJ pouted rubbing his arm.

I glanced at my phone on the counter that lit up.

Harry💕: Hey love, miss you a lot x

I blushed and smiled.

Cam🌸: Awh, you're to cute🙈 Miss you too x

I switched my phone off. I walked upstairs and switched my camera on. 'Hey guys, so I asked you guys to send me some snapchat questions and I'll answer them.' I smiled. 'Right, so firs-' I said until I dropped my phone. 'Oh my shit.' I sighed but laughed. I picked it back up. I opened the first one. 'Are you upset Harry went to Guernsey?' Her voice asked. I looked up. 'Uh, well yeah, I mean we're like close so it's like loosing your best friend, basically.' I answered getting quite uncomfortable. SKIP THE REST❤️.

I finished the video, edited it and posted it. 'It's really cold in my room.' I shivered. I walked downstairs into the kitchen and made some hot chocolate. I sat on the couch and turned the TV on. After I finished the hot chocolate, I fell asleep....I woke up in a car. I blinked a few times. 'Oh hey Cam.' Josh smiled. 'W-what are you doing?' I asked getting nervous. 'It's a surprise!' Simon said. 'So shhhh and go back to sleep.' Simon hissed before tapping the top of my head. 'O-oh, okay.' I said slowly going back down. I still had my phone in my pocket.

Cam🌸: Harry, I'm being kidnapped.

Harry💕: WHAT?! By who?!

Cam🌸: Josh and Simon😐

Harry💕: Oh.. Hold on😯

I switched my phone off and almost sat up. 'Cam, if you sit up I'll stab a bitch.' Simon glared at me. I silently sat back down. After a few minutes of me being the most quiet I've ever been,Simon finally said, 'Okay we're here..' He said passing me a blindfold. 'What is this?' I asked. 'Put it on!' Josh commanded. I carefully wrapped the blindfold around my blue eyes. Josh took my hand and led me out the car. 'Cam, don't lift the blindfold, okay?' Josh said. 'Okayyy.' I replied. I felt us go through a doorway. I felt the hand release from mine and a new one grab on to mine. My blindfold was lifted by someone. I opened my eyes and felt a soft kiss place on my lips. We both stopped. 'Harold!' I smiled. 'I missed you love.' He smiled picking me up. 'I missed you too.' I smiled whilst being put back on my feet. 'Okay, guys can we go, we're going to that party still.' Simon asked. 'Oh right..' I remembered. I felt a hand hold on to mine. I looked up and saw Harry, he looked down at me and smiled.

We finally got home and I walked upstairs to shower. I dried my hair and put my outfit on for the party

 I dried my hair and  put my outfit on for the party

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Pic is Cam🙆🏻

I trailed downstairs and saw Dawn on the couch with Simon. 'I'm ready.' I smile. Dawn looked at me. 'Okay let's go!' Josh said. Vik and JJ went together and Harry,Ethan, Tobi and Freezy went together. I got out the car and saw Harry come my way. 'You look lovely.' He smiled. He made me blush. 'Thank you.' I smiled and he held my hand and led me into the party. the boys did some shots and Dawn and I did a few here and there... JJ picked up a girl, again. And we all hit the dance floor. I could tell they were all hella drunk. Dawn and I walked outside until Harry drunk texted me.

Harry😍: can we fjck?

I raised an eyebrow. 'They're definitely drunk.' We both laughed. We saw Freezy wobbly stumble out the door and soon get sick whilst Harry was holding him. After about 3 hours, Harry came to me. 'Can w-e goo homeee?' He fell into me. 'Must I drive you?' I asked. 'Puh-lease.' He said. 'I see Chad's rubbing off on you.' I smiled unlocked the car. We both got in it and Harry fell asleep. I parked in the drive way. 'Okay Harry, I'm going to help you to the couch.' I said pushing him up. I struggled to open the door with the weight of Harry I soon plopped him onto the couch with a blanket. 'Call me when you need help love.' I smiled but he fell asleep...

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