bakura x reader

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The fallen leaves crunched as you ran to the house you shared with your boyfriend, Bakura, you dogged tree after tree and jumped over roots and fallen branches as you thought back to what happened.

~~~ Flashback~~~~

Bakura and you were taking a midnight walk through the forest you so happen to live in, both of you were quite far from the house, lost in thinking you almost bumped into Bakura , "(y/n), get to the house and don't stop in till your there, don't let me in till morning" he said in a strained voice. "But Bakura, why-?" "Go! " Bakura shouted and fell to his knees, you did as he said and ran for it hearing Bakura's British scream of pain.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~end of flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You tripped over the root of a great oak tree as you got up you noticed the millennium dagger you carried everywhere on the ground, it took you a second to process but it finally hit you " The ring! It can track the other items!" you shouted in your mind. You quickly picked up the dagger and threw in some bushes doing the same to the necklace. You continued to run and hoped that the items would slow him down.

You saw the old house come into view and struggled to open the door, once you were in you locked the doors and noticed the tiny millennium ring pendent Bakura gave you flash dimly "weird it only does that when- oh no " you said quietly. "Our room" you thought running up the stairs almost falling a few times. You ran into the shared room, and saw the (f/c) curtains blowing gently in the wind that came from the opened window. "You really thought abandoning your millennium items was going to be enough to stop me?" a familiar voice behind you said. "b-Bakura" you said in shock. "I must admit it did slow me down a bit" Bakura said putting the millennium necklace around your neck. "Oh dear (y/n) you must know by now" he said dangerously, "you will never escape me" he ended that with a dark chuckle.

You backed away from him enough to get a good look at him, your (e/c) eyes widened as you saw what happened to him, he had white ears, and a long fluffy tail with black and gray swirly stripes, and his teeth looked incredibly sharp. You backed into the bed and climbed on it, quickly glanced at the door. "it's a long shot" you thought as you made your way slowly across the bed to the door, that's when Bakura pounced and landed next to you making you jump back bumping into the bedbord. " Nice try dear" he cooed evilly. "shit" you muttered, Bakura flicked his ear in acknowledgement ,"do what you will to escape I only makes it more fun for me" he said darkly, he looked ready to pounce again, his ears lay flat against his head and his tail lashed from side to side. You quickly turned your attention away from Bakura to the clock." Only 12:56!" you yelled in thought before catching Bakura pounce, you managed to move your arm to block him only to feel a sharp pain and seeing Bakura's sharp teeth pierce your skin, the crazed look in his eyes made him look feral. You heard him growling as he let go and tried to pin you. "Don't try to resist (y/n) it only makes it more fun "he chuckled darkly. You tried to fight back but he quickly overpowered you"give in" he said clearly sick of your struggling, "Never" you said before being pinned down and giving in. he lowered his face in till it was a few inches away from yours, you tried to move but he stopped you. "Now dove I don't think there's any reason to escape now" Bakura stated as he roughly rubbed his face against your neck like a cat would do. "S-s-stop-bad f-fluffy" you shuddered. He growled angrily; probably mad at being called fluffy. You suddenly felt a sharp pain in your neck followed by a wet substance trail down your neck. "Your blood smells divine" he said softly before lapping at it. You tried to hold it in but you reluctantly let out a quite moan. Bakura's ears flew up and were pointed at you, he raised his head and had a evil looking grin showing his sharp blood stained teeth. "Do that again" he coed. "Never" you growled n defiance. His eyes narrowed and you quickly realized you should have never said that.

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