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A/N: BEWARE! Some of these characters have potty mouths! Enjoy! :)

Well this is fucking excellent. The report card shook almost violently in my hands as my insides bubbled in rage. How'd I get a B? I squinted at the paper, maybe I was just reading it wrong? There's no way I dropped to a B, I've always have straight A's! Nothing less! 

"What's up, Mari?"

I turned halfway to acknowlege the blonde behind me, sitting to my left. 

"I got a B."

She gasped dramatically and covered her mouth, eyes wide in fake shock. "Marie Abate? Girl Wonder?"

"Don't rub it in." I glared. 

She pretended to faint onto the bench we were on, the back of her wrist pressed against her forehead. "The world will surely crumble!"

"The hell it will!" I whined, "I wouldn't want a nurse working on me who just-" I waved my hand in front of me like a wave, "floated through school!"

"You didn't float through school, you got a B." She sat up and raised a brow at me. "You went from, like...NASA kind of high, to..." She looked up, thinking, and pouted a bit. "Airplane kind of high."

I rolled my eyes at her and stuffed the paper into my backpack. 

"I'm never gonna get anywhere with grades slipping."

"They're not slipping! C'mon, it's summer! Loosen up a bit and come to Michael Tanner's party with me, you were invited."

"I don't even have the right stuff to wear." I said quickly, motioning to my Doctor Who t-shirt and dark skinny jeans, my Converse weren't dirty, but they were old. 

"Have you forgotten how huge my closet is?" She laughed. "I'll fix ya up in no time!" 

Damn it. "You've got no excuse not to go now!" She cheered. "I'll pick you up at seven!"

 "Yeah, yeah. See ya at seven."

I stood and threw the bag over my shoulder, offering her a hand to get up. "No heels."


"I refuse to walk around in those pointy toed torture devices!" I laughed. "When hell freezes over!"

"Alright, alright, that means I get to put eyeliner on you."


"Yes! Eyeliner or heels, pick your poision!"

"...eyeliner it is."

"Sweet!" She dragged me off campus and into her car, talking the whole way home about what kind of dresses she'd force me into tonight.

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