Chapter 2: Blood Revelations

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 Chapter 2: "Blood Revelations"


"Megan, I won't leave you. We'll go inside together", Jake said. They started walking through the main avenue filled with dead bodies. Megan tries to unravel these unknown cases that just suddenly appeared at Newburg. "This is not a massacre, Jake. I think there is a drug that caused this unfortunate events we've seen lately. They said this drug is known to manipulate human system and turn it into a ravaged animal that feed on human flesh. They are known to be Infecteds as for now.", Megan trying to explain. Jake stops at the middle of the avenue. "Jake, What is it?", "Meg, let's hide behind that wide tree. I can sense some is following us". Jake abruptly replied and pull her beside the tree.


They heard painful screams and violent roars from the library building. They ran fast as they could towards the library. They saw one of the librarians dead and an infected above her. The infected was feeding himself with the flesh and organs of the innocent victim. "Shit! Megan, what do you know more about these infecteds?", Jake asked as he watches the scene that seemed to be disgusted.


"I don't know. I just learned that from those people protesting as I go here.", Megan answered. "Ok, stay back there and hide. I'll just do what I know about killing zombies with video games." Jake replied and runs toward the infected and slashes his neck and pulls it with the end of the crowbar. The blood sprays out, head cuts off, Jake is in state of shock because for the very first time he have killed a human being.


"Jake! Is everything alright over there?", Megan anxiously shouted. Megan uncovers herself and she sees Jake sits beside the wall while looking at the body. She began to run towards Jake and comforts him. "Everything is fine. Thank God you aren't hurt.". Megan wipes the blood on his face and kisses him on his lips while he is unconscious. A phone rings in the middle of silence. Megan answers the phone and Irene was on the other line.


"Meg! Have you heard the news??"


"Thank God, Irene you are fine! I was so worried. Jake and I is in the University library. There are a lot of things I wanna say to you. I haven't, why?!"


"Newburg is in crisis! Get out of the University! The campus is in quarantine, girl! Firstcase of infection was reported to sprout over there."


"What kind of Infection is this?! Don't tell me zombies are over-taking us?! I thought they're just fictional monsters?! F*** this! Who's in-charge of this quarantine?"


"They said it was GeneRX. I warn you Meg, get out of there let's meet at the Starbuckscafe at the junction. GeneRX said these Infecteds are aggressive. Single bite from apositive carrier can easily spread the virus within 10 mins to an average healthyhuman being. Fingernail scratches can also transfer the virus if the infected scratchesyou and made a cut on your skin. That's all I know, Meg. I'll meet you up at Starbuckswithin 30 minutes, ok?"


"Wait Rene! I want to know-------"


"Damn it! She dropped it! Jake let's get out of here. The campus is in quarantine, we better get out of here before GeneRX and the government lock us up." Megan said and pulls Jake up from his shock. They walked to the University Avenue back to the main gate. Megan sighted GeneRX members on hazmat-suits. “Shit! They’re already here! We shouldn’t went here at the first place! Do you know another route to exit within the University?”, Megan asked. “So you are starting an argue with me at this time? Sheez, I think so. I hope GeneRX haven’t barricaded that route.” Jake replied. The two ran and found the exit route but the gate was locked. “Jake, give me a boost! Hurry up!” Megan commanded. Jake squatted and gave Megan a boost over the wall. Megan on the other side of the wall, she piled up trash bins. “Hurry up, Meg. I can see GeneRX coming this way!”, “Don’t worry here’s my hand. Grab it.” Megan replied to Jake.


Jake plunged the crowbar’s head against the wall and gave himself a boost using the crowbar and grabs Megan’s hand. Megan pulls him and the both fell with Jake over her. “Oh! Sorry, Meg.” As Jake pulls her up and fixes her. They ran to the nearest public comfort room and fixed themselves.




--------------------- WRITER'S LANE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter 3: "GeneRX: We cure lives"

Cover Artwork by PenAndBlood 

Story by PenAndBlood

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