Chapter 6

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A/N: Hey guys :) Just thought I'd let you know that I changed Teagan's birth date slightly, because later on in this story, I was thinking of setting Teagan up with Jacob and I wanted to make her a few months younger, since Jacob is already about two years younger the Teagan's character. Her birthday used to be December 1st 2000, but now it's April 2nd 2001. So, yeah, there's a little spoiler for you guys ;) Anyway, enjoy this chapter!

*Teagan's P.O.V*

"Will she be okay?" I heard a voice ask as I woke up. It sounded like Mum.

"She should be fine. She took quite a large blow to the head, which is probably why she passed out. She may have a bit of a concussion, but it'll be okay. Just be careful of the bruises. She'll be more shaken up than anything. It might even be worth taking her to see a child psychologist." An unfamiliar voice said. Psychologist? I don't need a psychologist.

I finally decided to open my eyes, but groaned and shut them again when I saw the bright light above me.

"Hey, I think she's waking up." I heard Aaron say. I slowly opened my eyes again and adjusted to the light, to see three people in the room. Mum, Aaron, and a nurse.

"Hello, honey, how are you feeling?" The nurse said.

"My head hurts a little." I said groggily.

"That's perfectly normal. I'll go get you some painkillers." The nurse smiled, before leaving me with Mum and Aaron.

"We were so worried, Teags." Mum told me softly.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled, looking down at my hands.

"Hey," Aaron put his fingers under my chin and forced me to look up, "Don't apologise. You've nothing to be sorry for, alright?"

I meekly nodded.

"Where's everyone else?" I wondered, remembering how many people were there when they found me.

"We managed to convince almost everyone to go home. The only people left are Debbie, Uncle Cain, and Kirin." Mum said. I nodded. I didn't really realise how much people cared about me. It was then I decided I couldn't tell anyone about the rape. I can't stress people out even more. Mum is almost as shaken up as me, and Aaron's blaming himself. I can't pile anything else on top of everything.

There was a knock on the door and Kirin walked in.

"Can I talk to Teagan?" He asked nervously.

"Sure." I said, sitting up slightly.

"Uh, I don't think so." Aaron butted in.

"Aaron, please. Just for a minute. We won't do anything, I promise." I said, my voice still a little rough.

"C'mon, Aaron, let's give them some space." Mum said. Aaron huffed and followed her out.

"How are you feeling?" Kirin asked awkwardly.

"I've been better." I said with a half smile.

"Look, Teagan," He started, walking closer to my bed, "I really like you, but I don't think we should keep doing this."

"What do you mean?" I asked nervously.

"I mean I think we should break up. It's just..." He trailed off.

"It's okay. I understand if you think I'm too young for you." I told him.

"No, Teagan, it's not like that. I just... I mean, look what I've done to you."

"Kirin, this wasn't your fault."

"I just don't want to put you through anymore pain. Okay, it is because your too young, but not in the way that you think. I don't think you're immature or anything, and I like you just as much as I would if you were my age. I just don't want to hurt you, which I might accidentally do in this situation. Look, I don't really know what I'm saying, but I just-"

"It's okay, Kirin, I understand." I cut him off.

"You do? You're not just saying that to-" I cut him off again.

"No, I do understand. I promise. I'm just glad we can still be friends." I said, with a small smile. Kirin smiled back.

"You're amazing." He told me, leaning down to kiss my forehead.

"Okay, I think that's enough." Aaron came bursting through the door. He'd clearly been watching through the blinds.

"Out you go, mate." He shoved Kirin towards the door, but not too hard. Kirin just gave me a smile, following Aaron's orders and leaving.

"What happened, love?" Mum asked me.

"We broke up." I said.

"I'll bloody kill him." Aaron growled, walking towards the door, but I stopped him by grabbing his wrist.

"No, Aaron, it's okay. He did it for me. To protect me." I said. Aaron looked confused. "He didn't hurt me, okay, Aaron? I'm fine and we're still perfectly good friends."

"Alright, fine." Aaron sighed, unclenching his fists.

The nurse soon came back with my painkillers and told me I could leave in a few hours after they'd done a double check on everything, just to make sure. During those two hours, Debbie and Cain came in. They were happy to see me, and I was happy to see them. Finally, I was discharged and went home.

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