Chapter 6

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Maya's PoV
I knew that I had to sort out my feelings for Lucas because he never looked at me the way he looked at Riley.
I guess I was kinda jealous about how much time he spends with her compared to me....I love Riley but she has a near perfect life she has the two great parents the nice house and a stable living condition and I had a half a mom half a kinda dad figure shawn and my walls have cracks and my roof leaks...I thought that this time maybe I deserved to get the dream guy because Riley already had so much but when Riley said she loved Lucas as a brother she never smiled anymore only when she talked with him...and Ranger Rick isn't himself at all with me and I really couldn't care less about his stories or any deep stuff like that I like his Texas side the bad boy the one I seen in the hallway that day pinning joey to the lockers...but he's anything but bad, I put my feelings aside for Riley and huckleberry when I realised I liked him that day and I guess I was just jealous of all Riley had and I didn't......I miss being able to tease huckleberry and play our game where I try break him but I never get to him then I go oooohohoohoooo.
He hasn't kissed me on the lips yet he has only held my hand and hugged me...he never held my hand for long anyway and he never looked me in the eyes..
Whenever he holds my hand or hugs me o don't feel anything no sparks or fireworks like I do with Riley's uncle josh.....whenever I hug him or jump on his head I feel all tingling and smiley when he's around I feel butterfly's...when I'm with huckleberry I just wanna make him mad and tear him Down like a brother.....but him and Riley are too alike and as farkle said like forces repel....but other than them both being really nice and sweet they bring out the best in eachother maybe i was mixing my feelings with riles when I said she loved him like a brother when she said that I kinda felt hope but when ranger Rick said that he doesn't think that's what they are it killed me because I was so jealous I wanted what they had but it had nothing to do with Lucas I think I just wanted somebody to love me like how Lucas clearly loves Riley...I know that riles loves Lucas but when she said like a brother I didn't belive her at first.....but when he grabbed my face I tried to lean in an kiss him but he just held my face looking into my eyes I felt nothing at all but then I thought about what he and Riley had and what I had and then I decided I want to try get him to love me but he always spends his time with I called him down to topangas with Riley.
*topangas present time *
R:(runs and hugs me ) peaches what wrong?
M:I-ii think the three of us need to talk.
R:about what peaches?
M:what's going on since Texas
R:what do you mean what's going on since Texas?
M:well I dunno I kinda feel lonely because your always with Lucas and I'm always alone I guess.
R:Maya Lucas is one of my best friends and your my sister Maya nothing will change that and it was Friday Maya Lucas and I have been watching cuddle bunnies every Friday at 7 since
R&L:we were 13!
L:Maya you can't get jealous okay me and Riley..
R:Riley and I....
M;you did not just correct his grammar (laughs)
R:you know that I can't help myself!
L:(laughs) okayyyyy well anyway Riley and I!!! Have been watching cuddle bunnies for 3 years now and you never took interest before so why now?
M;can we talk alone Lucas?
L;why are you calling me Lucas what happened to huckleberry ranger Rick hop along!?
M;can we just talk ?
R:I'm just gonna go...(Maya interrupts her)
M;okay bye!(waves at her smiling harshly )
R:(starting to cry ) umm bye (waves and runs away)
L:well that was a bit mean
M:and you care why ?
L:Maya she's your best friend!
M:okay well we need to talk to sit down !
L:okay fine!
(Sits down in a booth facing eachother )
L:talk !
M:I'm sorry I've been kinda jealous and mean okay it's just you've been spending so much Time with Riley.
L:I've always spent this much Time
With Riley even before Texas
M:but things are different now I thought you'd spend more time with me now...
L:Maya I don't know what to say to really I don't....
M:Lucas since Im Riley's best friend she tells me everything okay she told me how you said "I really like you Riley " twice and you never said you liked me you like me?
L:Maya of course I like you but I don't know how...... Do you know what I mean...
M:no Lucas I really don't know what you mean.....all I know is that I like you and I wanna try and work this out...(grabs his hand )
L:(stiffens and pulls his hand away) Maya....... I don't know okay I don't want to lead you on.... I think everybody needs to talk about what happened in Texas.
M:o-okay well when and who will we be having this talk with ?
L:Me Riley farkle and you..
M: when?
L:I don't know but we need to sort out what's going on because I'm confused and I I think our group has been full of awkwardness and lies have been told and we just really need to sort this about....after Riley's birthday ..
M:why after her birthday....lets do it on her birthday!
L:we can't ruin her birthday Maya!
M:how is this gonna ruin her birthday we only gonna talk about how I like you and she only loves you like a brother.!(smiles spitefully)
L:that's the thing I don't believe(mutters under his breath) Maya you do realise that I never asked you out right ?
M:I know that I do but I thought because you almost kissed me that you returned my feelings and we were an unofficial thing like you and Riley were...
L:that's the thing Maya I didn't kiss you I just looked at you in your eyes to see if I could feel something and.....
M:you couldn't could you ?
L;that's what we have to talk about
M:can I ask you something?
M:did Riley ask you to watch cuddle bunnies with me instead of her because I feel like she's trying to get in the way of you and me...?
L:of course she did it was the first thing she said this morning but I said no
L:yeah of course I said no that's me and Riley's thing
M;Riley and I..?
L:that's Riley's thing correcting people are you trying to act like Riley to make me like you.... Yeah I think you are you never call me huckleberry anymore to my face and your nicer and you wanna watch cuddle bunnies with me and now your doing stuff Riley does...???
M:so what if I'm trying to be Riley all I want is for you to like me like you like her !!
L:okay well I'm leaving now (gets up and walks to the door )
M;Lucas wait (watches him walk out the door)

Why does Riley have to get everything she wants she couldn't just let me have him and besides I met him first I practically introduced them and this is how she repays me *scoffs* some best friend she is

We are meant to be togetherHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin