A Witness

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Sirens blared as cop cars, fire trucks, and ambulances sped towards the burning warehouse. Fire fighters began to put out the fire and cops surronded the building. Soon the fire was put out by the fire fighters and medics rushed in and pulled the injured and dead out of the building. The injured W.B.C members were taken to the hospital while police examined the dead, noticing their wounds. Some of the wounds were weapon marks, the other were teeth marks. A grim police officer stood up from examining a large bite mark and said, "Werewolves, they are at it again."

They then began to search the warehouse only to find demolished and burnt weapons. The head police officer walked out of the building and said, "Were there any witnesses?"

A raspy voice sounded from an alleyway, "I saw them, the wolves."

The officers approached the voice cautiously. "Sir, can you step out of the shadows and speak to us?" asked an officer.

The shadows stirred and a figure slowly stood up. An old looking man stepped out of the shadows and towards the cops. His ratty clothes and gray beard classified him as a bum or a hobo. "I saw them. There were five of them. They entered the building, set fire to it, and ran on the rooftops in that direction." the old man said as he pointed north, the direction towards the woods.

"Thank you sir." replied the head cop with a nod before motioning his troops to head out that way and scan the rooftops.

The old man smiled an almost toothless grin and sat back down in the shadowed allyway.

The cops rode their cars through the street. Soon, they spotted the cloaked werewolves running on the rooftops. Some cars kept riding down the street to intercept them while other officers exited their cars and began shooting at the werewolves.

Samantha ducked at the sound of gunshots, as did the other werewolves, they had been caught. Cody took a bullet to the leg, stumbling. Zackary supported Cody with his shoulder and kept running.

Angered, Samantha jumped from the building and landed on the street. Julia jumped down to her side as the other wolves kept running. The police officers stopped firing, guns aimed at the two female werewolves. "Freeze! " an officer shouted.

Their heads were pointed downwards, mouths pulled into a grin. Their hoods were pulled down. All was silent, the calm before the storm. In seconds Samantha attacked and took down some cops on one side and Julia attacked officers on the other side. Officers fired their guns helplessly in the air, only managing to shatter windows and street lights. Samantha and Julia stood still, unconscious officers littered the ground. Though injured, no one was killed.

The two werewolves ran back to the rooftops. Samantha and Julia met up with the others at the edge if the forest. Derek and Zackary had tended to Cody's bullet wound. "I think that was enough excitment for one night. Let's head back to camp," said Samantha, gazing at the sky.

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