Chapter Two

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Ross couldn't focus, which was unusual as he almost always did, and could think about something completely different while doing so. Yet, all he could think about was Max. He'd always been able to read him as kids. He'd be able to tell almost exactly what he was thinking through the voice over the phone alone. Yet now, he just knew his friend was alive. He knew nothing about him anymore, and he couldn't detect anything from his voice. He would've let himself get frustrated, but the teacher snapped at him to pay attention, so he did. Or at least  he pretended to as he let his mind drift off to the same things.


Ross sighed in relief as the classes ended. It wasn't that they were hard, no, they were incredibly easy. He just already knew everything they were teaching. That was one of the reasons he graduated early. He payed attention and did his own research when he didn't understand so he'd get a full on answer and so everyone else thought he always got everything instantly, thus thinking he was smarter than the rest, and why he graduated early. The people there were all so stupid, thinking he was smarter. No, he was just observant and did things himself. They were also stupid for thinking that made him more likely to give in when they hurt him.

He did the exact opposite though. He punched the first guy that tried to make fun of him and socked him right in the jaw. No one ever messed with him after that. It also helped that he held his head high and kept his shoulders straight, as that was proven to subconsciously tell people not to pick on him.

He smiled fondly at the thought, walking towards the dorm rooms. He remembered when he'd first met Max and all their friends. There was Max, who went by his last name, Mithzan, Seto, who was a little cinnamon roll he hadn't seen for a while, Tyler, who was fucking hilarious, Kyle, who introduced them to Tyler, and Dartron, who was from England. They never really knew where Seto came from.

Seto was straying from his friends to go to the library. He was walking peacefully, yet some asshole decided to poke a little fun at him. Ross kicked his ass. 'Nuff said.

Seto had brought him to his friends in an attempt to thank him. They were all incredibly nice, and grateful he helped the little muffin. He told Seto what they'd like, which they did, and they were all friends.

Ross smiled as he started watching where he was going again, the residue of the memory coating his mind and leaving him a nostalgic kind of happy. He wrapped his grey jacket with a white strip down the middle further around him and made his way to class, wanting to get the day over so he could meet Max again. He didn't know why he was so exited, he just was.


Ross pulled into the driveway of Adams giant house. He'd been there a few times before, and knew the personalities of them well, except for someone who practically never came out of his room, especially when company was over. He'd never really seen him.

He got out, locking it after taking the keys so one of them wouldn't fill it with pennies like Jered and Jensen did to Misha or something. Ross inwardly cringed at his thoughts; he needed to lay back on stalking that amazing show.

He walked up to the door, knocking on it repeatedly until Jason answered, avoiding getting hit by his fist. Ross grinned at him, waving. Jason laughed slightly, staring down at him slightly due to being a bit older, being taller as a result.

"Oh, hey Ross. You're here to see Sky, right?" Jason asked, receiving a nod from the skinny jean wearing Narwhale fanatic. He moved out of the way to let him in, Ross doing so casually. "You know the way, right?" Jason asked. Ross smiled and answered with an, "Mhm!" And walked up the stairs to the Butter lovings psychos room.


He knocked on the door, quickly having it opened by a pissed off Max with his hair covered in pink glitter glue, what appeared to be popcorn pieces, and a little princess crown placed on top. He had bags under his slightly bloodshot eyes, and across the top of his beard was the word 'Bear' written in a brown color.

Ross put his hand over his mouth, both out of shock and to stifle a laugh.

"We leave. Now." Max muttered, and Ross could almost hear the 'please get me away from this fucking psychopath!' Ross laughed, saying a quick good bye to Adam, who was making what appeared to be a macaroni themed bomb, and leaving.

He got in the car with Max, who threw his stuff into the backseat and put on his seatbelt. Ross put on his own, and turned the car on, turning the radio on and turning it to some rock station he was unfamiliar with, as most of his music was either really deep alternative, remixes, or an anime song he would always know the words to.

It was playing a Nickelback song, and Ross ended up rather enjoying the song, or more, Max's' style of singing it. Max had told him afterwards it was a song called, 'How You Remind Me'. Ross sighed as he realized just how much he'd missed the ginger.


They got to the dorm, Ross face palming as he realized he didn't have a place for Max to sleep. God he was off his A-Game.

"Just do whatever you want. Don't touch anything on that side of the room," Ross paused to motion to Tims' side of the room, "It's TimTims' and I don't need another lecture on how I shouldn't touch his stuff. I'll be studying for tomorrow." Ross finished, pulling out a random textbook. Hah, yeah right. More like trying to keep his thoughts off of the best friend he used to know well.


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