All Alone

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I fell to my knees, over come by the pain building in my chest. I dont think I can hold it in much longer. I cant bear it.

Then it started. First it was one, then another and another. Until they fell continuously.

The tears I had been trying to hold in for a little over a week had broken through right at this moment.

My blured vision lifted to gaze upon his headstone.

My mind went wild with every memory I had with him.

The arguing, the fighting, the crying, the hugging, the reassuring, the comforting, the kissing, the happy, the lonely, the breaking, the hurting, the finding, the losing, the smiling, the living, the wholeness. Everything.

I wrapped my arms around his headstone as I let out all the pent up emotions.
The hopelessness I felt was unbearable.

It racked my body with sobs.

My throat tightened as I held his headstone. I didnt want to believe it.

And I sobbed. I wanted him back so bad.

I wanted to see him. To hear him speak or yell. To hold him in a tight embrace that I would never let him go of.

Everything inside me screamed for one more.

One more kiss, one more word, one more glance, just one more.

But I knew it wasnt going to happen.

He was gone! Dead! No longer living!

But the thing that hurt me the most.

Was when I realised that he had left me. He had left me here.

All alone.

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