Goodbye Firefly

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I was gazing up to the sky.
Would've been a nice night to camp out here tonight. Its so peaceful in the woods.

I watch the fireflies dance in the night sky without a care in the world. It's beautiful.

A flash of a beautiful face passes my mind and a small smile etched on to my lips.

Maybe if she was here, It'd make this moment that much more gold.

The entire group of fireflies flew over me and headed towards the town.
My gaze lingered after them and widened in fear.


Bright orange and yellow flames were burning brightly befor the night sky that provided the perfect background.

I sprung to my feet and took off after the fireflies and towards the fire.

I hear the heavy sound of sirens before I pushed my way out of the forest.

One thought ran through my mind as I stared at the horrific scene unwinding before me.

Her mother had collapsed to her knees and was in tears. Her father kneeled at her side, pulling her to him.
His eyes glued to the burning building in utter fear.


I yelled as I rushed forward to the building.

Two fire men caught me before I could get through. I struggled in their steel like grasps.

"I have to get to her! I have to! AKARI!!"

~3 Days Later~

I watched hopelessly as they lowered her body into the grave. The rain fell continuously as it had for the pass few days.

Nothing feels the same any more.
I dont even know how to properly feel.

"Im real sorry for your loss dude." I accepted the pat on the back as one of my friends walked by.

"We're here for you bro." I slowly nodded my thanks.

Then my best friend came up to me. His eyes shining with sorrow and fresh tears.

"I'm sorry about your sister." I apologised. He simply nodded to me. I gave him a hug before I was left as the only one standing there.

She's gone.

As that thought crossed my mind, I watched as fireflies flew by her grave.

A single one landed on it. And I was watched with a tinge of happiness.

"Goodbye Firefly."

As if hearing my farewell, the firefly took off into the night. Where the storm began to reside.

Goodbye Firefly.

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