Chapter 2

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My heart raced,

I could barley breathe,

My tounge was dry,

My face white as a ghost although I could feel my blood boiling hot,

The small office started to spin I see joe pick me up in my arms and I see Dave in the background frantically dialing the phone

Darkness faded round my eyes

Everything was dark

I wake up hours later to find joe by my side we were in a hospital?what happend? I slowly sat up joe raised is arms

"Easy" he whisperd "your not all their yet" joe lightly laughed

"MUM!" I screamed I used all my effort to pull my self out of the hospital bed, I run

I run as fast as I could looking in all the rooms for mum all I can think about is seeing her "stop!" I heard joe shout in a distance but I kept running

Until a doctor stopped me "easy their tiger lets get you back to your room you need rest."

"NO!" I yelled "the only room I will be going to is my mothers!" I demanded

I felt joes hands wrap around my waist I turned and faced him "Aria,I think it's best we leave your mum be,at least for a bit it's not helping her or you by acting like this " he said softly I lifted his hand into mine and we walked back to the room together

I hesitated "your not getting anywhere by standing in the corridor" joe giggled I took a deep breathe and walked again

"What happend at" I was looking at him he didn't look back

"You were as white as a ghost cold as ever I was so scared I didn't take in what was going on properly then I sat with you on the couch after you collapsed until an ambulance came"

We walked back into the hospital room
I sat on the bed and put my hands on my head "I have the worst headache ever!"I complained joe ran and got me water

I lay back as did joe "my fathers gone,my mothers gone I don't know what to do anymore"

Joe sat up I followed his actions he held my hands "I will always be their for you no matter what" he kissed my forehead "oh and by the way I made dinner reservations with Zoe and
afterwards we can go back to hers" I tried hard to smile

I couldn't,I could barley think.

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