Chapter 6

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Minutes later Dave arrived.

"Well I'll get going I hope you's two have a fab night"Joanna said walking out the door as she left all I could hear was cameras clicking

My anxiety hit me,their was so much people outside

My heart started to race and I couldn't look at anyone

Joe held both my hands "you'll be okay I'll be with you the whole night" he whispered in my ear

I felt a flash of confidence shot through me,

As I stepped out the door and I could already hear screaming and I could see people trying to climb over my large metal fence, instead of trying to get outside with crowds of people we hurried along the back of the house where the limo was waiting

As we drove away I could see the paparazzi rush to their cars to follow us "you would think I was used to this,but the fact is I'm not I love my fans but I get so anxious in big crowds of people"I said looking at Joe He turned to me in his seat "you have been a star ever since you made those toothpaste commercials a few years ago and your so amazing with your fans,I'm sure people can understand that it's hard sometimes especially because your so new to the music industry"he held my hand and the car stopped

"Are you ready"he said

I nodded

Dave jumped out first to open the door for us

I slowly walked out and i all I could see was crowds of people

We slowly made out way down the carpet.

We had our pictures taken and we had some interviews

"See no hassle"Joe whispered in my ear

I turned to kiss him but I felt someone grab my shoulder,

"Excuse me miss," an interviewer asked me I turned "yes?,"I asked feeling weird about the situation "do you mind if I interview you,my name if Tom by the way,"he said shaking my hand

Joe was still clasped to the other,

"Of course!"I smiled

"So this crowd is amazing!you must be so proud" Tom said shoving the microphone in my face

"Yeah, definitely I'm so blessed to have so many supportive fans" I couldn't help but smile

"So how's things with your mothers passing Is it better"

"Well...l"I said blankly

"And have you heard about the rumours going around about that stalker who could of possibly murdered your mother and is planning to do the same to you?" He interrupted

"That's enough now"Joe said politely putting his hand Infront of Tom

"My mother was murdered!"I shouted
"But she......stalker?" I was so white with worry

Joe held my hand

"So could I please get your opinion on that?"Tom shouted over the noisy crowd

"I SAID ENOUGH!!"Joe screamed and grabbed my hand

Luckily it was to noisy for anyone to notice

I was so shocked I could barley breathe

"You didn't tell me!"I turned to Joe

"You lied to me about this whole thing!you recommended for me to stay in all week and not go on social media because the whole world knows who my mum died, But me!"I shouted clenching my fists

"I bet it was for the money so you could realise the story with out me knowing"I said in a calmer tone

"I was just trying to protect you you were so low already I didn't want you to get even more hurt,but I wanted to let your fans know what was happening" Joe said taking both my hands

I pushed away

"Yeah well,that wasn't your decision to make,have fun walking the red carpet alone"I said wiping a tear from my eye

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