Chapter 8

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"Dave!" I shouted"he's been my bodyguard through my whole time in the music industry"I was shaking by this point

"I wonder what they'll do to him?"I said getting myself worked up

"What's all this Noise"Matt shouted storming through the hall into the living

"Oh yeah I've been meaning to speak to you!"Joe shouted back clenching his fists as Matt walked through

"Not just now"I whispered to Joe still in shock from what I just seen

"I asked you a question"Matt said walking right up to me

Joe put his hand in front of us and pulled me behind him

"Nothing"I said softly

"Speak up!" Matt shouted

"She said nothing now go back to your room and pack your things before I call the police" Joe said stern

"Oh u guess you haven't been notified"Matt smirked

"About what?"I asked

"I'm staying here for two months to help you 'settle in' as Ben wants you to be kept in good hands over this hard time"Matt smirked again

"I better stay to then and we kinda have something to discuss so can you like leave?"Joe argued

"What you say boy?!"Matt shouted

"Not now!"i said breaking them apart

"Fine!"Matt said storming away

I flopped on my couch and put my hands in my head

"I know this is a big deal and everything but we should probably get to bed"Joe held his hand out pulling me up off the couch



"Uh that's my alarm I said nudging Joe,I have a meeting with Ben about the whole Dave situation"I said tearing up"it's like everyone I loves either betrays me or leaves me"I said now crying

"Listen I know you and Dave were close but we have to move on from this okay?"Joe said

I lay my head on his chest

"I'm so done with everyone!"I said burring my head in a pillow

"Hey,why don't we do something today you could cancel with Ben he's better sorting this out with the police and filling you in later anyway?"Joe begged

"Alright"I said popping up

I texted Ben and then attempted to get ready u stuck on a pink flowing dress and some black combat boots with a black hat

"So where are we off to?"I asked

"You'll just need to wait and see"Joe winked grabbing my hand


Joes PoV

I was so nervous I didn't know if she would like the new zoo that opened up down town

We got in the car and we met our temporary bodyguard Louis he was so lovely

As we arrived their was a large group of people waiting to get an autograph etc.

We got through as many people as we could and then entered the zoo she seemed so delighted

She looked So beautiful too

"Babe can we please see the lions?"she said giving me the puppy dog eyes

I nodded and picked her up like a child and swung her around.

Arias PoV

The lions were so majestic

Joe grabbed my hand and I took a really tumblur pic of us as we walked

We arrived at a ice cream stand joe asked for a reserved order which slightly confused me

"Go sit I have a surprise"he winked

Minutes later he walked over with an red and white checked apron and a ice cream workers hat and in his hand he had a huge bowl of ice cream with "your my always" written in chocolate sauce

As he put the ice cream down I leaped into his arms and we sat

"It's so lovely and quite here!"I cheered Joe smiled as he wiped my ice cream my stash of my face slowly but surely turning it into a kiss

"OMG look at the time all ready!" I said disappointed

We made our way back to the car with Louis by our side

"Hey when we get back to the house wanna film a video?"Joe asked as we got in the car

"Sure!"I said sitting down "oh man I have six miss calls from Ben"

I phoned him but I got no connection "I'm gunna come back to your place tonight if that's alright?"I asked

"Yeah whatever"Joe smiled

I finally got a connection


"Oh hey Aria we got some info on your mothers murder I don't want to say this but Dave also had something to do with it we haven't completely figured out ye..."

"Dave that idiot!"I interrupted

"Well I need to go bye"



"Aria Matt knows something about your mothers murderd he was talking in his sleep last night he knows something big"Joe said softly

I was so shocked

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