More Than Words

158 3 3

July 21, 2013

AN: Ugh OMFG the feels. *sigh* It's too damn much, man. Like, get me an oxygen tank.

So, I've had this idea since forever now. And by "forever" mean yesterday. Anyway, I fudging LOVE Larry, bromance AND romance. More romance, though. It's so cute.

I'm just writing this story as little cute chapters about Larry and the other boys, both bromance or romance, because I need to purge somehow. I might die.

So, I don't have a plan for this, really. I'll probably update it whenever my Feels Chamber is full. (Yes, a Feels Chamber is real. It is located under the left breast, right under the heart.) These chapters are almost like little one shots, and some chapters could possibly take place AFTER a later chapter. And sometimes they'll correspond with each other. I'll try to make them go in order as much as possible, though. If you get confuzzled, let meh know.

Please, I'll just say now, bear with me, 'cause this is being done on my iPhone. No joke, I'm writing this in my notes, and I'm making up what I wanna say as I go along. I edit it when I'm done writing, though. So, sorry for the lack of fancy stuff you use on computers, like italics and whatever.

Anyway, I've been planning this chapter for a few days now, but I was listening to songs I like, and one of them is the inspirational boost for this chapter. The song is called "More than Words" by Extreme. I really suggest listening to that while reading this, or before or after. Also, check out the version by Westlife, I LOVE that one, too. I'll see if I can't put this video up with this story.

Okay, ramble done. Carry on!


Harry sighed as the smaller figure snuggled deeper into his neck, bringing him feelings of warmth and happiness. And love. Can't forget love.

The boy moved again, getting impossibly closer.

"Louis, if you get any closer, I'll fall off the bed, and I'm taking you with me." The curly haired boy threatened lightly.

"I'm sorry, Haz, it's just that your so warm!" The smaller boy whined in protest, nuzzling even closer.

Harry felt a smile tug onto his lips, wrapping his arms around Louis' waist. Louis managed to squeeze in a bit further.

Oh, yes. Louis was a cuddler.

"I could say the same for you."

All of the boys had had the day off, and Liam, Zayn, and Niall were off doing their own things. Harry and Louis had opted to take a lazy day instead of getting up to do anything, besides eating and using the washroom, to which they only returned to Harry's bedroom right afterwards, since they never got to cuddle considering the boys had yet to find out about their relationship. They just weren't ready to tell them yet.

Harry and Louis stayed silent for a while, snuggling and listening to one another's light breathing.

Louis couldn't help but to feel slightly helpless. He just couldn't seem to find the right words to use to describe the way Harry made him feel. He made him feel like a giddy school girl full of emotions, ready to burst at any second. It was like an onslaught of love, adoration, warmth, happiness and the slight feeling of home all rolled up into a little bundle and shoved his way in the form of a curly haired, long legged teen. Like he's found where he belongs when he's with Harry.

"I love you Haz, so much. It frustrates me how much I can't describe it." Louis whispered, voicing his thoughts.

"Then show me." Harry whispered back.

Louis poked his head up and locked eyes with Harry, icy blue meeting emerald green. Louis just sat and stared for a moment, mesmerized by his boyfriend's pure beauty.

Louis slowly reached his head up, and placed a sweet kiss onto Harry's soft lips, eliciting a small gasp from the younger boy.

Harry moaned and kissed Louis back without hesitation.

Louis propped up and strattled Harry's waist gently, deepening the kiss. His big blue eyes fluttered closed and his hands immediately reached up, entangling themselves into Harry's luscious locks.

Harry moaned softly, eyes also closed, and placed his hands atop Louis' thin hips, giving a gentle squeeze. Louis let out a small whimper of pleasure, and deepened the kiss more, twisting his head slightly towards the left. He brought one hand down and gently cupped Harry's soft, warm cheek.

Harry brushed his hand up and down Louis' back, earning him a shiver from said boy. Harry smirked slightly into the kiss, pleased that he was able to make his boyfriend react like that.

When the two boys finally felt the need to breath again, they pulled apart.

Louis stayed on top of Harry, and rested his forehead against the crook of his neck. He sighed in content.

"I still don't think I've made my point." He stated bluntly. Harry let out a soft chuckle and rubbed Louis' hips.

"I can see that." He replied, smiling down at him.

"And I still wish there was a word that I could use to describe my feelings. Besides supercalifragilistic-expialidocios, of course." Louis said, and to this, Harry let out a full on laugh.

"Right. Of course." Harry said sarcastically, causing Louis to smile.

Louis flopped back down at Harry's side, and again cuddled into him. Harry instantly wrapped his arms around him, holding him close. They managed to exchange a few words before being caught in a blissful sleep.

"Love you, Boobear."

"Love you too, Hazza."


AN: So, what'd ya guys think? I know it's short, sorry. :( I really hope in the future that my Author's Note is shorter and the chapter is longer.

As for the cover, I made it myself. I have this app called picsart, and I love it! C'mon, don't you totally think the cloud is Curly and the carrot is, of course, the Carrot King? Too cute.

Anyway, please, comment and tell me what you think, and if I should continue this or not. I appreciate CONSTRUCTIVE criticism! I promise to try and update soon. Until then...

Bye! :D

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