She Wants The World Instead

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It was a cold day, rain filled the sound of my hotel room as I sat on the couch waiting for my mum to get back. I was staying in this hotel with her during the holidays so we could catch up, ever since she and dad broke up I was never able to see her. She went out shopping to get some food for us while I stayed behind, feeling quite sick. My head felt all stuffy and my stomach was warning to bring up lunch. I decided fresh air would be better for me than just sitting around, even though it was raining. I threw on a pair on black skinny jeans and a purple hoodie to try and keep warm before I made my way out the the door, down the stairs and outside. I loved the rain, and I couldn't help but smile as it hit my pale face. I bunched up my freshly dyed red hair and pulled my hoodie over my head as I started to walk along the pavement. I tilted my head down and put my hands in my pockets, running dozens of thoughts through my mind. I heard some laughter, then suddenly I was on the soaked path, the feeling of hard impact surprising me.

"Oh god, I'm sorry. Are you okay?" the man asked me, picking his soaked phone up from beside him where it fell. I looked up at him, his brown eyes looking down at me.

"Oh, don't worry about it. I'm fine" I said as I got back to my feet. We looked at each other for a moment with no words spoken as the rain pelted on us. My phone vibrated with a message, only then did I realize mum would've been back by now.

"Sorry, I have to go" I said to him, smiling as his fringe damply fell above his eyes.

"I'll walk you home if you like" he offered. I figured it wouldn't do much harm, and considering I was going to be here for a while the thought of making a friend was something I didn't want to pass on.

"That'd be nice" I smiled. We walked side by side toward the hotel I was staying in, talking about ourselves with each other.

"So are you from around here?" I asked him,

"No actually, I'm here with some mates for the holidays, and to visit some old family members a bit late for Christmas" he said with a chuckle.

"So where are you from then?" I asked.

"Down in the central coast" he answered. I smiled, the thought of my home town being there was so coincidental, but I decided not to tell him that. As we got to the front doors of the hotel we stopped for a moment,

"Well, I guess I'll see you around?" he asked,

"Definitely" I smiled. I left him standing in the rain as I walked inside, and made my way up to the second floor.

"Where have you been?" my mum asked as soon as I opened the door.

"I went for a walk" I said, walking toward the balcony door. I walked out and leaned against the railing, noticing the man I was just with walking past in the direction we just came from. I whistled and his attention became mine, as he turned he looked up to me with a smile.

"I never caught your name!" I called out.

"Shaun, what's yours?" he called back.

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