Capter 3

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Aiden rushed through the crowd of hysterical people. He search bed after bed and list after list. He couldn't see any sign of Aron. Aiden had run around in circles but not gotten any closer to his brother. The fear of loss lummed up inside of him. It overwhelmed him. Maybe it was the smell of the antibacterial wipes or the sense of death in the air but Aiden felt like he was going to throw up. He couldn't breath and his shot wound felt as if it had reopened. He gaged and ran from the room, out of the centre and into the cool night air. He gulped in breaths to calm himself. Aron wasn't in there. He didn't know where he was or if he wasn't okay but he knew he wasn't inside the Family Centre. Aiden wiped at his wet cheeks. The cold breeze bit into his skin. It was a good distraction from the chaos inside.


Alec woke with a start. There were paramedics surrounding him. They wouldn't let him get up. He felt as if someone had tied him to the bed posts although his arms and legs were unbound. He attempted to sit up but a woman in blue pushed him down again. He wanted to move, he wanted to run. What were they doing to him? Alec could feel his heart rate quicken and his face felt hot. He tried to get up, feet first so he would slid off but they held him back. His mind was racing. Why couldn't he get up? He struggled against the unyielding hands. He kicked and shouted for help. They were going to hurt him. He violently lashed out but not succeeding in getting free. Alec felt a sharp pain in his upper arm and he began to feel calmer. He couldn't remember why he was fighting. He let his limbs flop loosely onto the bed.

Fred had found Aron being fussed over by an old woman nurse. He felt a pang in his heart when Aron winced as the woman poked and prodded him. He sighed in relief and collapsed into Arons arms. Fred sat next to him spouting his worries and fears for Aron while Aron sat looking and feeling loved. He pulled Fred into arms and kisses him whole heartedly. He was still weak from the sickness he'd just awoken from but mustered all the energy he could to keep awake for Fred. He couldn't help but smile as Fred's lips touched his. He could hear the old nurse mutter 'cuties' under her breath and he chuckled against Fred's kiss. He and Fred were in a tangle of their own creation and too deep in their little world to have realised the armed boy that had just entered the room.


Amy searched for Aiden through her tear stained vision. She hadn't seen him since he'd left to look for his brother. She could just make out Aron and Fred making out on one of the hospital beds. Lily was next to her frantically trying to jump over the crowd to find Alec. A team of doctors was setting down a fairly muscled teenage boy onto a bed and Amy's heart sped. It wasn't Aiden, though it was Alec. She elbowed Lily gently and pointed towards him. She raced over, the tears trailing down her face. Amy turned away from them, desperate for the comfort of Aidens arms around her. Terrified she'd never feel it again. He was no where to be seen and her heart burned with fear for him. She went for the door, hoping that he may be outside in the cold night, below the stars but the door was opened already. A good looking black haired, blues eyed teen boy stood there with a gun held out from his chest. She froze.


Alec was drowsy from some medicine that the doctors had given him to calm his heart. He was a bit out of it but lily wanted him there, with her. She slapped him fully alert. He grabbed at his check and she apologised profusely but she was happy that it had worked He brought her into his arms thankful for the wake up call. He kisses her all over. Her check, lips, chin, neck and up again. She hugged him closer to her. He smelled of antibacterial hand soap but at least he was alive. She felt the tears pouring down her face. She didn't have time to be embarrassed before the boy walked into the room.


Danny was ready for a fight, his heart racing with excitement. The gun felt easy in his grasp, held out from his chest. He felt as if it was like protection, like a shield instead of a weapon. A few people had turned to him when he had walked in. They had all frozen. He felt powerful. He felt superior. The buzz of whispers came to a stop as everyone started to notice him.

"Shut up!" He screamed when he heard one last whisper.

"Listen up. You will fight with me or you will die." He put more venom into the word die than a threatened snake.

"Why the fuck would we do that?" A young man in front protested. Danny would take none of their shit. He aimed the barrel at the man and shot before he had time to even blink. The man fell to the ground, screaming. He grabbed at his gun shot. There was red sickly sweet blood slowly spreading for the wound in his neck. He went silent moments later.

"That's why the fuck you'd do what I say." No one moved towards the man. No one made a sound. Danny had them in the palm of his hand and he'd play his cards wisely. He knew no one was allowed a gun in the Family Centre so he had the upper hand. He stood with an evil grin on his face and deadly thoughts raced through his mind. He told them of his master plan. He wanted to show them what he had done. It was genius. The raid on the school, forcing them to the family centre. The poisoned food making them weak from either deadly chemicals or grief and so making them unable to fight. His entrance, all planned out so perfectly and precisely. No gaps or leaks. It was fool proof. Almost.


Aiden opened the doors ever so quietly, hoping not to draw attention to himself. The room was deadly silent, a dramatic change from the frantic yells that came from it minutes before. A boy no older than him, with black hair, stood in front of a terrified crowd. A man lay dead or dying on the floor, surrounded in blood. The black haired boy held a metal object out from his chest. It was a gun. Aiden froze. The boy was the same one who had shot him before, he could tell even from the back. His arm was shooting with pain and the anger started to build up. Burning out like a wild fire. Not a single eye in the crowd changed their focus to him. They just stared at the boy with the gun who was spitting threats at them like poison. Aiden turned the the fire extingesure, which rested, untouched on the wall. He raised it above his head and brought it down hard on the boys skull before he could think twice about it. The black haired boy collapsed to his knees, still breathing he noted, but unconscious. Aiden stood, paralysed in shock. The crowd did not move, did not make a sound. They just looked at him. A figure rushed at him and embraced him, careful of his slung arm. He wrapped his good arm around Amy and she buried her face into his chest. She mumbles a word repeatedly. 'Thank you'. She said no more than that one word as the rest of the people came to their senses and continued on with their troubles. A buff man in uniform picked up the skinny, lank body of the boy and took him away before a crying woman could beat him to death.

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