Chapter 2

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"Go home everyone, get your whole family and go to the Family Centre on Way road." A low male voice was coming over the speaker, it spread through the whole school and people started to leave. There was a lot of hysterical crying and people talking about the corruption in our government, how they'd get through this and even what they had for breakfast.

"Typical idiots." Aiden muttered to himself. He and Amy had departed from the school and gone their separate ways. His heart still sped when he thought about her even after two years his reaction to her, their reaction to each other hadn't faded. He loved her, without a doubt but sometimes he wondered if she truly loved him. He dismissed the idea as paranoia after what happened to Blake. Cassie was a bitch that's all, and Amy is nothing like her, he assured himself. There was a rustle in the trees behind him. He turned quickly to find nothing but an empty street. He kept walking. It was pretty dangerous he thought, letting kids and teenagers out on the streets right after a raid. There were shelters in every house and every street, so you could rush to one as soon as a bomb dropped, but still not safe. Footsteps behind him woke him out of his reverie. He turned sure of the sound this time. A dark haired boy with impossibly blue eyes stood before him. His smile was dangerous. Aiden turned to run too late, the boy pulled out a gun and fired once, twice, three times. Sloppy though effective. A bullet hit Aiden in the arm. He felt the skin tear and the bullet hitting bone. He fell to his knees grabbing at the wound. The pain was astonishing and there was so much blood. More than he knew was in a person. The boy disappeared with a proud, superior look.

"Only the strong will survive." Aiden hadn't seen him running, he just saw that he was there one moment and gone the next. He was lying on the concrete pavement, the blood staining it red, staining everything red. He gagged and choked. He had never liked blood and there was so much of it now. Too much. The bullet may have hit an artery. Were there arteries in forearms? he couldn't think, couldn't move. He was definitely losing too much blood. He had to get to a phone or a doctor. His mobile was in his backpack. He tried to reach for it but he couldn't move his other arm, or his legs. He was losing control of his own body. He felt light headed. Red stained the backs of his eyes, turning to black and then the darkness swallowed him up.


Aron had been given the instructions to go straight to the Family Centre from Aiden. He hadn't complained or argued, there wasn't time for that. He and Fred were now walking quietly there. He felt bad after kissing Fred just to prove a point to Mr Brunwick and he felt weak and tired for no reason other than shock. He sat down on a low brick wall fencing a small suburban house. Fred sat down next to him.

"I'm really sorry Fred, for being so bitter towards Sir. I just can't stand him. His such a dick." Aron felt awkward apologizing to Fred for kissing him.

"It was okay for me," he gave Aron a small, shy smile.

"I mean I can't stand up to people who aren't okay with me being gay and you can. I know I'm not the best looking guy or the nicest but I do really like you and if-" Aron cut him off with a playful kiss. He didn't want to hear the uncomfortable boyfriend conversation and he thought that a kiss may work better anyway. Once again Aron was lost in a world that only contained him and Fred. Aron went floppy in Fred's arms. He was warm and comforting but his hands were ice cold and they made him shiver. It was nice, he thought, safe. It was him and Fred again.


Alec had heard the gunshot that was earsplittingly loud. He had rushed to the sound of a helpless cry. On one of the leafy suburban streets he saw a tall body sprawled on the concrete. The closer he got to it the more he recognized it. Aiden. He ran to his side, searching for the source of all the blood. He was mostly unconscious, but still tensed at the sense of someone. It was slowly getting into twilight now. Alec lifted Aiden with a struggle, he was quite a bit taller than Alec and it made him difficult to carry. There was so much blood and more was still pumping out of the wound. Alec placed him down gently and pulled off his shirt. He wrapped the fabric tightly around Aiden's forearm. He picked him up again and ran as best as he could to the Family Centre that was only a few streets over. Blood was splashed on Alec's naked chest and abdomen, Aiden went limp in his arms. Alec heart sank, he ran as fast as he could, trying to save his best friend, Amy's boyfriend, Mrs Chai's son, Aron's brother. He burst into the bomb shelter Family Centre and people came rushing to his aid instantly. Aiden was taken from his arms and Alec realized just how much of his friend's blood he was covered in. Lily was already there with her dad. Her only family he remembered. He saw her blush when she looked at his bare chest. She ran to him with a look of dread and terror on her face. She didn't love him, he knew that but they were vaguely friends he supposed and she cared as a friend would.

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