When you do something cute lance

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Lances prove
I was spending sometime with my daughter when Clay called for me.
Clay: lance we needed to train.
Lance: Clay come on I'm spending some time with my daughter.
Clay: come on we needed to train.
Lance: sigh fine. I put y/n in here play pen and walked off with him
You began crying hard and didn't stop Robin and Ava tried every thing to get you stop.
Ava: lance here.
She hands you crying to your dad.
Lance: hey there come here. He rocks you
You stop crying and look at him.
Clay: Ava we were training.
Ava: you try working with her crying.
Macy: Clay she just got her she's not use to every one yet sow we needed her to spend some time with him and she'll warms up with us.
Lance: sow I should take some training time off to spend with here
Clay: sigh fine you can take training time off to watch here.
Lance smriks and leaves with you.
Lance: thanks baby girl.
You smile at him.

Nexo Knights daughter scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now