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Me: hey guys it's me I know your wondering where iv been lately and no I'm not dead iv got a lot on my plate Lately sow yeah I'm sorry I know your use to me doing two a day but I can't I just have a lot of work to do I appreciate all of you being pactient for this and I might only be able to do two on Saturday sow yeah aging I'm sorry pleas forgive me.
(Evil)Jestro:'sow your quitting
Me: what no I ha-
Jestro: save it your a failure and people said I'm bad.
Book: yeah just give up weighting and go do something eles will yeah
Jestro: and you make me sound soft and I am not soft oh and p.s good Jestro is dead.
Me/ Jestro two thing 1 I have a lot on my plate and 2 IF YOU WANNA BE A JERK GET OUT RIGHT NOW!!!!
Jestro: umm is your hair suppose to be on fire.
Me/ I'll give you two the count of three to get off.
Jestro: runs off
The book and his monster follow.
The Knights run in.
Clay: where's Jestro.
Me/ he left.
Axle: aww
Me: anyway guys hope you understand but for now GOOD BYE!

Nexo Knights daughter scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now