Showing you off clay

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Clays prove
I walked into the fortress and every one but lanced looked at me like I murdered someone.
Clay: hey guys.
Macy: clay
Aaron: why
Axle: do
Merlok: you
Ava: have
Robin: a
Lance: BABY!!
When you heard this you started to cry.
Clay rocks you back to sleep.
Macy: she's cute.
Merlok: clay hoe did you get this baby.
Clay/ well you see I was walking in the woods and a woman come up to me she made me promise  on my Knights code to keep her safe and when I ran after her I heard dogs bark and a woman scream and well I didn't think that you know anyway I brought her hear.
Robin: can I see. Clay holds you down enough for Robin to see.
Robin: cute.
Macy: why don't you go to bed with her and we all needed sleep
Clay nods and goes back to bed with you the only time he has ever slept end in.

Nexo Knights daughter scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now