Awkward (Chapter 2)

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Hayley's POV

Everyboby inside the canteen starts fangirling like they saw a celebrity came into our school. He was just a normal boy a newbie in the school.

Ok I admit he's kinda hot....and cute actually. I wanted to be friends with him but that's imposible, because he looks like snob person. He'll probably talk with popular and pretty girls around here not like me cause I look like a nerd or something.


The bell rang signaling that we have to go back for our next class. I said good bye to Trisha and went to my next class science. Yeah science I hate science a little bit not like math I really hate it.

When I enter the room the teacher is not yet here.

I take a seat at the back next to the girl that look like my age. She look at me and smiled.

"Hi! My name is Sally" she said extending her hand

"Hi Sally my name is Hayley nice ti meet you" I said while shaking her hand

The door open revealing a middle aged woman. She put her things on her desk then she stood in the middle/front of the class and put her hand on her hips.

"Good morning class I will be your Science teacher weather you like it or not, by the way my name is Mrs. Williams" Mrs. Williams said while walking around the room.

"I will give you RULES that you have to follow if you don't follow my rules then you will stay outside of this room, understood?" The students responded 'yes' and there's a knock on the door and it open revealing Niall. My eyes widen I started sweating. Why do I get nervous?. Then suddenly Mrs. Williams spoke.

"Alright class I forgot to tell you that we have a new student....go introduce youself son"

"Erm...Hi I'm Niall Horan you can call me Niall" he said while showing gorgeous smile and revealing his brace.

"Okay Niall take a seat infront of..what's your name?" She said while pointing to me.Shit!

"Uhm-me..erm, Hayley"

"Okay take a seat infront of Hayley" Niall satrted walking towards his seat. Omg he's looking at me straight in the eyes and he's smiling at me.. Hayley what are you saying he's no-.

"As I was saying I will give you some rules.. One, Dont ever ever sleep in my class.. Two, don't talk when I'm talking.. Three, food is not allowed in my class.. Four, participate when we have an activity.. And lastly dont you ever ever plan cutting classes on my subject... Understood?"

"YES!!" We all said. Her rules is like for elementary students. -.-


After class it was time to go home... Oh yeah I survive in that hell school in 9 hours. I was on my locker putting my things, someone on my other side open the locker, I look over and is see Niall....ugh again why do we always bumped each other.

"Hi are you my classmate in science class"he said while smiling at my....oh god his smile:)

"Ugh yeah..Niall right?" I said while sending him a smile back.

"Erm nice meeting you again, see you again" and with that he walk away.

Niall's POV

When I see Hayley in the room I feel so happy but I dont know why.

When went into my locker and there's Hayley again we always bumped each other, and she smiled at it made me melt like an ice cream. I want to know her more I want to be friends with her. Or maybe more than just a friend.


HAIII THERE......want some oreos?XD

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