New Friend (Chapter 3)

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Hayley's POV

♠♠♠♠4 days later♠♠♠♠

I was walking down the sidewalk to go to McDonalds to get some breakfast for me and Trisha when I beard someone calling my name I turn around I saw Niall running towards me.

"Hey! how ya doin" he ask catching his breath

"Nothing just getting some breakfast for me and Trisha, wanna come?" I said and I smiled at him

Niall's POV

God that smile. She's so beautiful when she smile, her beauty shine like a star. Cheesy right? you know I'm not that kind of boy that telling a girl that she's beautiful and-. I was cut out of my thoughts when Hayley spoke and waving her hands.

"Hello Niall earth to Niall, you still there?" she said with a cute face. Oh no she's killing me right now.

"Oh..yeah sure" I said, my cheeks heat up

She giggled at my reaction. Even when she giggle she's still cute

After our walk to McDonalds we reach our destination. You wonder what did we do before we got here, nothing, we just drool around the sidewalk. You know she's a dork.

We went inside and order our breakfast. I insisted that I will pay for our breakfast, we argued who will pay and she gave up.

"ok ok you win, but next time I will be the one will pay" she crossed her arms in her chest

"yeah yeah" I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes playfully

She Invited me over their house to eat our breakfast there.

When we got inside their apartment she knocked on the door and someone open the door I guess that's Trisha. Her eyes widened when she saw me, its like she saw a ghost.

We got inside their room and went to their dinning and started eating.

After eating our breakfast I said I have to go home.

And guess what?....SHE GAVE ME HER NUMBER!! :D


Trisha's POV

I can see that they like each other. The way they look at each other, its just too obvious.

Hayley didn't stop talking about Niall how he's so cute and something. I cant argue about how Niall like Hayley, why? Because Hayley is beautiful inside and out.

I admit Niall's cute but he's not my type


Nigh night/good morning guys. sweet dreams -.-

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